Tables can store the results of
Derived Values and results from probes, for example. The results are displayed in the
Tables window, which by default is located below the
Graphics window.
A Table node is added under
Tables. Click the node to display a table with the selected integration node’s description and values in the
Table window.
You can use Table Graph and
Table Surface nodes to plot the data in the tables.
There are three ways to evaluate a Derived Values node and put the result in a
Click the Evaluate button (  ) found in the top-left corner of, for example, a Settings window for Volume Integration, Surface Integration, or Line Integration.
In the Model Builder, right-click the specific Derived Values node (for example, Volume, Surface, or Line Integration) and select Evaluate.
In the Model Builder, right-click the Derived Values node, and select Evaluate All (  ) to evaluate all the Derived Values nodes. This appends the results to any existing tables. Select Clear and Evaluate All (  ) to first clear the affected tables and then evaluate all the Derived Values nodes.
In addition, you can specify the output table for data from a probe in the Table and Windows Settings section of the probe
Settings window. Also, for nested parametric sweeps, you can add an accumulated probe table, which provides a matrix of values where the rows and columns represent two independent parameters.
To delete all tables, right-click the main Tables 
node and select
Delete All (

). To clear the contents of all tables, right-click the main
node and select
Clear All.
All displays all data in the table. For many tables, that is the only available format.
Select Filled to create a matrix of data from, for example, a nested parametric sweep with independent parameters.
Filled tables can only be produced by studies that have All combinations selected in their parametric sweeps. The filled tables make it possible to retrieve data for a pair of parameters on a matrix format and can be used to make response surface plots, for example. You can get filled tables from some probes or from using derived values when all solutions are selected. Basically, you get filled tables when the input parameters in a parametric sweep (such as time) represent a full outer product. In some cases, such as eigenvalue solutions or if the solver is interrupted, the data is not filled. Also, if you modify the table by, for example, evaluating more than once into the same table or delete columns, the table data is no longer filled.
For a Filled presentation format, under
Column headers, select a
Column description (in addition to the parameter values):
From data (the default), or
Manual. If you select
Manual, type the description in the
Description field; that description is then added to the parameter values in the header of each column.
Under Filled data structure, select the parameters to use for the rows and the columns from the
Rows and
Columns lists, and select the data (probed quantity, for example) to use in the table from the
Data list. These settings are available when the table is filled, also when the presentation format is set to
Click the Import button to import data from, for example, a spreadsheet. In the
Import dialog box that opens, select a data file to import. You can import data from text files (*.txt), CSV files (*.csv), and data files (*.dat). If the license includes LiveLink™
for Excel®, you can also import data from a Microsoft Excel
® file (some or all of *.xlsx, *.xls, *.xlsb, *.xlsm). The supported Excel file formats depend on whether Excel is installed or not (see
Supported Microsoft Excel File Types in the
COMSOL Multiphysics Programming Reference Manual).
You can import data in multiple Table nodes to plot exported solution data from different models in the same graph. To do so, after importing the data, create a 1D Plot Group and then add
Table Graph nodes that point to each of the tables.
Select In model (the default) to store the table data in the model.
Select On file to store the table data in the model to a file that you select by first clicking Browse or enter into the Filename field. This makes it possible to, for example, keep track of more data using probes while solving without having to put all the data in the model. Click the downward arrow for the File Location Actions menu (  ) to choose Copy File Location (  ) and (if you have copied a file location) Paste File Location (  ).
Select In model and on file to store the table data both in the model and on file.
For the storage in the model, specify the buffer size in the Maximum number of rows field. The default for new tables is taken from the
Results>Tables page in the
Preferences dialog box (factory setting: 10,000 rows). If the table size exceeds that number of rows, the software removes rows from the top. If you use a large number, most table data will fit in the table without being truncated.
You can specify the headers for each column in the table when the presentation format is set to All. In the
Header column, enter the header that you want to use for the corresponding column. When you import table data from a file, COMSOL Multiphysics uses the contents of the last comment row preceding the data to create column headers, which you can edit if desired. For comma-separated data and column headers, the CSV (comma-separated) data file format (.csv files) works best. If a CSV file contains exactly one row without data preceding the data, and the nondata row contains the right number of columns, the import interprets the contents of that row as column headers.
To add a Table node, if not already created, right-click the
Tables (

) node and select
Table. You can also add a table by clicking the
Evaluate (New Table) button (

), which is in the top-left corner of, for example, a
Settings window for
Volume Integration,
Surface Integration, or
Line Integration. This evaluates the node and stores the result in a new table. This button is also used as the
Evaluate button.