Meshes Generated by Adaptation
The solvers can generate adapted meshes for several problem types. See Adaptation and Error Estimates and The Adaptive Solver Algorithms and Error Estimation.
The meshes generated by the stationary or eigenvalue adaptive solver are based on the original meshing sequence and can be modified. The settings window for such a meshing sequence shows a reference to the generating study in the Adaptation study list. Click the Go to Source button () to move to that generating study. Click the Disconnect from Study and Edit button, or right-click the Mesh node and select Disconnect from Study and Edit, to unlock the sequence and enable editing. Note that unlocking the sequence disconnects the mesh from the study that generated it; if you run the study again, this mesh is ignored and a new meshing sequence is generated. However, you can manually select this meshing sequence in the mesh selection of a study step, to run the study on the adapted and modified mesh.
Adapted meshes generated by the time-dependent adaptive solver are generated directly by the solver and cannot be further edited. If you alter the geometry, these meshes are no longer compatible with the geometry and are therefore removed. If you want to keep an adapted mesh even if the geometry is altered, select to disconnect from the study, and then select to lock the mesh. For more information, see the section Locking the Mesh.
3D Supersonic Flow in a Channel with a Bump: Application Library path CFD_Module/High_Mach_Number_Flow/euler_bump_3d.
Thermal Analysis of a Bipolar Transistor: Application Library path Semiconductor_Module/Transistors/bipolar_transistor_thermal.