If you select User-controlled mesh as the sequence type in the
The Mesh Node, add individual
Meshing Operations and Attributes to manually set up a meshing sequence. This section describes how to add operations and attributes in the meshing sequence, how to edit them, and how to build them.
Right-click a Mesh node (


) in the Model Builder and then select an operation or attribute from
The Model Builder Context Menu. Attributes can be added as local attributes by right-clicking on an operation in the Model Builder. It is also possible to add operations and attributes from
The Mesh Toolbar or from
The Graphics Context Menu. Enter the properties of the operation or attribute as described below.
To edit a mesh operation or attribute, select it in the tree, and make changes in the Settings window that appears. In numerical fields you can enter expressions that contain global parameters. The icons of operations and attributes that you have edited display with an asterisk (*) at the upper-right corner of the icon (

) in the
Model Builder. The following operations are marked with a yellow triangle at the lower-right corner of the icon to indicate that they need to be rebuilt. To see the result of your edits in the
Graphics window, use the methods described below to either
Build Selected or
Build All nodes.