Use the Convert to Surface (

) node to unite and convert geometry objects to a single surface object in a 3D geometry. You can, for example, convert a solid geometry to a surface object for modeling some type of shell. If the input objects include edges or curves, then any parts of those edges or curves that are outside of the resulting surfaces are removed. If the conversion to a surface results in an empty surface, a
Warning subnode appears.
Click the Active button to toggle between turning ON and OFF the
Input objects selections.
Select the Keep input objects check box to use the selected geometry objects for further geometry operations.
You can change the settings for the Repair tolerance list if you experience problems with the convert operation. Geometric entities that have a distance less than the repair tolerance are merged.
Select the Resulting objects selection check box to create predefined selections (for all levels — objects, domains, boundaries, edges, and points — that are applicable) in subsequent nodes in the geometry sequence. To also make all or one of the types of resulting entities (domains, boundaries, edges, and points) that the resulting objects consist of available as selections in all applicable selection lists (in physics and materials settings, for example), choose an option from the
Show in physics (
Show in instances if in a geometry part) list:
All levels,
Boundary selection,
Edge selection, or
Point selection. The default is
Boundary selection. These selections do not appear as separate selection nodes in the model tree. Select
Off to not make any selection available outside of the geometry sequence. From the
Color list, choose a color for highlighting the resulting objects selection. See
Selection Colors.
From the Construction geometry list choose
On to make the resulting objects available only in the feature’s geometry sequence. The default option
Inherit means that the resulting objects become construction geometry if all input objects are construction geometry. Choose
Off to never output construction geometry objects. For more information see
Construction Geometry.
To unite and convert geometry objects to a single surface object, in the Geometry toolbar,
Conversions menu, click
Convert to Surface (

). You can also right-click the
Geometry node to add this node from the context menu.