Showing More Options
To display the functionality described in this section, click the Show More Options button () on the Model Builder toolbar. Then, in the Show More Options dialog box, select the applicable option:
Under Physics (): Equation Sections, Equation View, Stabilization, Equation-Based Contributions, Extra Dimensions, and Advanced Physics Options.
Under Study (): Batch or Batch and Cluster, Sensitivity, Multigrid Level, Reduced-Order Modeling, and Solver and Job Configurations.
Under Results (): Views, All Dataset Types, All Plot Types, All Numerical Evaluation Types, All Export Types, and Plot Information Section.
Under General (): Selection Information, Variable Utilities and Material Library Settings.
Each of these options are described in this section. Select or clear the check boxes for each option to customize the functionality that is displayed.
In the Show More Options dialog box, click the options that you want to include. At the bottom of the dialog box, click the Select All button () to select all options, or click the Reset to Default button () to restore the default settings (where only the Equation Sections option is selected). Click OK to accept the selected options and close the dialog box.
You can also open the Show More Options dialog box from the context menu for the Global Definitions, Definitions, Materials, physics interface, Study, and Results nodes.
Sections that are hidden by Advanced Physics Options and Stabilization appear if they contain nondefault values.
Equation View nodes with a locked equation (modified by a user) always appear regardless of the Equation View setting.
Equation Sections
By default all Equation sections, which show mathematical equations describing a physics node, appear on all physics nodes’ Settings windows. Clear this check box if you do not want to include the Equation sections.
Equation View
Select this option to display the Equation View node under all physics nodes in the Model Builder.
Select this option to display the Consistent Stabilization and Inconsistent Stabilization sections on the Settings windows. If you have access to the Level Set and Mixture Model interfaces, it displays a Stabilization section instead.
Equation-Based Contributions
Select this option to get access to equation-based contributions in physics interfaces, such as weak contributions, global equations, and pointwise, weak, and global constraints, which you can add to modify and extend a physics interface:
Weak Contribution on Mesh Boundaries. This feature is similar to Weak Contribution but is active on mesh boundaries. See Weak Contribution (PDEs and Physics) and Weak Contribution (ODEs and DAEs).
Extra Dimensions
Select this option to get access to options for adding extra dimensions under Global Definitions in the model tree. Extra dimensions can be used to extend a standard geometry with additional spatial dimensions.
Advanced Physics Options
Select Advanced Physics Options for a variety of settings for advanced physics options to take effect.
Advanced Settings
The Advanced section appears on some physics feature nodes’ Settings windows. This section does not normally appear unless the physics interface contains some advanced options.
Constraint Settings
This section controls how constraints are enforced, usually in boundary conditions. See Constraint Settings for more information.
Additional Advanced Physics Options
There are additional settings, specific to some physics interfaces, that are also activated by the Advanced Physics Options check box. Also, the ISO preferred frequencies option, which appears in the Range dialog box, is controlled by this option.
Batch, or Batch and Cluster
Uses a batch process to solve a study on your computer as a batch job. If your license includes cluster computing, the cluster computing submits the batch jobs to a job scheduler which can run the jobs on a second computer or a cluster. If you select this option, you can right-click the Study node to enable Cluster Computing, Cluster Sweep, Batch Sweep, and Batch.
Sensitivity analysis can add sensitivity functions at the study level and use model parameters as global control variables. Select this option to add a Sensitivity study step.
Multigrid Level
Select this option to make it possible to add and define multigrid levels for multigrid solvers or preconditioners. Right-click applicable study step nodes to enable the Multigrid Level option from the context menu.
Reduced-Order Modeling
Reduced-order models are simplified approximations built from a full COMSOL Multiphysics model. Select this option to enable access to reduced-order modeling tools on the Reduced-Order Modeling menu under Global Definitions and to the Model Reduction study step under a Study.
Solver and Job Configurations
Select this option to enable these options under the Study nodes: Job Configurations and Solver Configurations. These nodes also appear if they contain content. Right-click the Solver Configurations node to be able to select the option Create Custom Solver and add a Solver node without any added solver settings or other nodes.
Select this option to display the Views node under Results and make it possible to define additional views used during postprocessing.
All Dataset Types
Select this option to get access to all dataset types instead of the dataset types that are applicable for the added physics in the current project.
All Plot Types
Select this option to get access to all plot types instead of the plot types that are applicable for the added physics in the current project.
All Numerical Evaluation Types
Select this option to get access to all numerical evaluation types instead of the numerical evaluation types that are applicable for the added physics in the current project.
All Export Types
Select this option to get access to all data export types instead of the data export types that are applicable for the added physics in the current project.
Plot Information Section
Select this option to include an Information section in the Settings windows for plot nodes. That section contains the plotting time and some other statistics for the plots.
Selection Information
Enable more information and updates related to the selection in a Settings window for a node in the tree. Although it improves the usability it can also result in some delay for models with a large number of nodes, typically when switching nodes or updating settings. A typical example is the Override and Contribute section in a Settings window. It contains lists of other nodes that the node is overridden by, other nodes that the node overrides, and other nodes that contributes with the node (to the total load or flux, for example). Collecting this information may cause a delay before you gain access to the Settings window after clicking a new node. Disabling this option may improve the responsiveness of the user interface.
Variable Utilities
Select this option to make it possible to add utilities for matrix variables, state variables, and more from the Variable Utilities menus that you access by right-clicking a Global Definitions or Definitions node.
Material Library Settings
Select this option to display the Material Library Settings section in Group nodes and the Material Library Settings and Appearance sections in Material nodes, used when creating materials for user-defined materials.