For functions on the component level, use the same syntax but add the component level, such as model.component(<ctag>).func().create(<tag>,<type>)
When using a local table the interpolation function uses the funcname property to set the function name. When the data comes from a file or a result table, the name is specified in the funcs string matrix property. This is necessary because there can be more than one function.
automatic | manual
on | off
on | off
If source is file and defvars is set to true, the spatial coordinate variables are used as default arguments to the function if no arguments are supplied in a call to it.
point | comma
If source is table and defineinv is on: The name of the inverse function.
Used source is file; the first column contains function names and the second column contains the positions in the file where the corresponding function is defined
Define a primitive function with the name give as primfunname.
Define a primitive function with the name give as primfunname.
If true, reinterpolate interpolation data on computational mesh. Available if defvars is true and frame is set to mesh.
The tag of the result table to use (tbl1, for example).
automatic | uniform
Apply scaling of data if the bounding box of the interpolation points has a bad aspect ratio (auto), always apply the scaling (on), or turn off scaling altogether (off).
model | user
The argument names for the defined function(s), as an array of alternating column names from the input data and argument names. Using the setEntry, getEntryKeys, getEntryKeyIndex methods makes it easier to work with this array.
Defines the types of columns in the input data, as an array of alternative column names and column types. Valid column types are none, arg and value. See also the description of the args property.
Type of covariance function to use in the Gaussian process regression. Use se for Squared exponential, matern32 for Matérn 3/2, matern52 for Matérn 5/2 and nn for Single-layer neural network.
If true, the related error estimation function(s) are made available.
point | comma
Custom column names to be displayed in the column settings table. This property is updated automatically when file input data properties are changed. Column header names are taken from the last line in the file that starts with a '%' character. The line is split on " " (double space), tab character and comma character and each part is used as one custom column name.
The fraction of input data to set aside for validation of the trained function(s). Used when validation is one of random, fraction, last.
Random number seed used for validation of the trained function(s). Used when validation is random and useseedtest is manual.
automatic | manual
Controls how the number of restart points during training is determined. If automatic, the number is calculated from the number of function arguments. If manual, the number is given by the manualrestarthypergpnumber property.
file | resultTable
If validation is not none, specifies the table where verification error summary is stored. Use none to not generate the table data. Use new to create a new table for the data. Use a results table tag to store the data in an existing table.
If validation is not none, specifies the table where detailed verification error information is stored. Use none to not generate the table data. Use new to create a new table for the data. Use a results table tag to store the data in an existing table.
manual | currenttime
Specifies how the random seed for training is determined. If manual, the seed is given by the lastinternalseed property. If currenttime, the seed is computed from the current time when training is started.
manual | currenttime
Specifies how the random seed for validation is determined. If manual, the seed is given by the lastinternalseedtest property. If currenttime, the seed is computed from the current time when training is started.
none: No validation is performed.
random: Use a random sample of the input data and exclude the corresponding values from the training data. The size of the sample is fraction times the number of input data points.
fraction: Use every 1/fraction values from the input data and exclude the corresponding values from the training data.
last: Use the last part of the input data and exclude the corresponding values from the training data. The size of the last part is fraction times the number of input data points.
table: Use a results table as validation data.
integral | peak
uniform | normal
The tag name + _cum
The tag name + _cum_inv
rn_ + the tag name
See for information about supported compiler versions.
neighbor | linear
none | manual
neighbor | linear
automatic | manual