Interface GeomFeature

    • Method Detail

      • create

        GeomFeature create​(java.lang.String featureTag,
                           java.lang.String featureType)
        Creates a geometry feature.
        featureTag - Tag of created feature.
        featureType - Type of created feature.
        Created geometry feature.
      • detail

        GeomObjectGroupSelection detail()
        For a defeaturing operation, access the selection of details to remove.
        Detail selection.
      • edgeDelete

        void edgeDelete​(int edge)
        Removes an edge from a GeomEdit geometry feature. If the act of removing the edge makes one or both end point vertices isolated, those vertices are also removed.
        edge - Edge index.
      • edgeNew

        int edgeNew()
        Creates a new edge in a GeomEdit geometry feature. The edge will have zero length, located at the origin, and not connected to any vertex. Returns the (1-based) number of the new edge.
        Index of new edge.
      • endVertexDisconnect

        void endVertexDisconnect​(int edge)
        Creates a new vertex for an edge end point in a GeomEdit geometry feature. The new vertex gets the same coordinate as the old end vertex.
        edge - Edge index.
      • feature

        GeomFeatureList feature()
        Returns all geometry features.
        List of geometry features.
      • feature

        GeomFeature feature​(java.lang.String tag)
        Returns a geometry feature.
        tag - Geometry feature tag.
        Geometry feature.
      • find

        GeomFeature find()
        For a defeaturing operation, search for small details.
        Geometry feature.
      • geom

        GeomSequence geom()
        For a work plane feature, access its 2D geometry sequence.For a part instance feature, access its local part.
        Geometry sequence.
      • getAttribute

        java.lang.String getAttribute​(java.lang.String name)
        Get the current attribute value for the given name assigned to all output objects and entities of the geometry feature.
        name - Attribute name.
        The attribute value.
      • importData

        void importData()
        Update the output geometry objects of this feature to account for the following external changes:
        1. Import geometry data from a file, a LiveLink, or another sequence.
        2. Update geometry after changes in functions.
        3. Update a deformed configuration from a solution dataset.
        Specified by:
        importData in interface GeomMeshFeature
      • importToTable

        void importToTable()
        Import data from a file to a table.
      • objectNames

        java.lang.String[] objectNames()
        Returns the names of all output objects.
        Vector of output object names.
      • problem

        GeomProblemFeatureList problem()
        Gets the list of problem features.
        List of geometry problem features.
      • problem

        GeomProblemFeature problem​(java.lang.String fTag)
        Returns the problem feature with tag fTag.
        fTag - Problem feature tag.
        Geometry problem feature.
      • receiveData

        void receiveData​(java.lang.String filename)
        Receive a synchronization file for an offline LiveLink.
        filename - Filename.
      • receiveDataNext

        void receiveDataNext()
        Load the next synchronization for an offline LiveLink.
      • requestData

        void requestData​(java.lang.String filename)
        Create a request file for an offline LiveLink.
        filename - Filename.
      • requestDataAppend

        void requestDataAppend()
        Append a request file for an offline LiveLink.
      • selection

        GeomObjectSelection selection​(java.lang.String name)
        Access the selection property with the given name.
        Specified by:
        selection in interface PropFeature
        name - Selection property name.
        Geometry object selection.
      • setAttribute

        GeomFeature setAttribute​(java.lang.String name,
                                 java.lang.String value)
        Assign an attribute value to all output objects and entities of the geometry feature.
        name - Attribute name.
        value - Attribute value.
        The modified geometry feature.
      • startVertexDisconnect

        void startVertexDisconnect​(int edge)
        Creates a new vertex for an edge start point in a GeomEdit geometry feature. The new vertex gets the same coordinate as the old start vertex.
        edge - Edge index.
      • updateCadParamTable

        void updateCadParamTable​(boolean addParameters,
                                 boolean overwriteValues)
        Update LiveLink node parameter table with information from CAD program.
        addParameters - If addParameters is true, add new parameters to the LiveLink node parameter table.
        overwriteValues - If overwriteValues is true, overwrite parameter values in COMSOL with values from CAD program.
      • vertexDelete

        void vertexDelete​(int vertex)
        Deletes a vertex from a GeomEdit geometry feature.
        vertex - vertex Vertex index to delete.
      • vertexNew

        int vertexNew()
        Add a new vertex to a GeomEdit geometry feature. Returns the (1-based) number of the new vertex.
        Vertex index.
      • vertexSnap

        void vertexSnap​(int vertex)
        Removes a vertex from a GeomEdit geometry feature, and moves all edge endpoints connected to the removed vertex to the closest remaining vertex.
        vertex - Vertex index.