The behavior of chemical reactions in real environments is often not adequately described by the assumptions of perfectly mixed or controlled environments. This means that the transport of material through both time and space need to be considered. Physics interfaces in the Chemical Species Transport branch accommodate all types of material transport that can occur through diffusion and convection — either alone or in combination with one another. The branch includes physics interfaces solving equations for diluted as well as concentrated mixtures, where the species propagation can occur in solids, free flowing fluids, or through porous media.
The Transport of Diluted Species Interface (

) is applicable for solutions (either fluid or solid) where the transported species have concentrations at least one order of magnitude less than the solvent. The settings for this physics interface can be chosen to simulate chemical species transport through diffusion (Fick’s law) and convection (when coupled to fluid flow).
The Transport of Concentrated Species Interface (

) is used for modeling transport within mixtures where no single component is clearly dominant. Often the concentrations of the participating species are of the same order of magnitude, and the molecular effects of the respective species on each other need to be considered. This physics interface supports transport through Fickian diffusion, a mixture average diffusion model, and as described by the Maxwell-Stefan equations.
The Reacting Laminar Flow Interface (

) combines the functionality of the Laminar Flow and Transport of Concentrated Species interfaces. Using this physics interface the mass and momentum transport in a reacting fluid can be modeled, with the couplings between the velocity field and the mixture density set up automatically. This physics interface is applicable for fluid flow in the laminar regime.
The Reacting Turbulent Flow, k-ε Interface (

) combines the functionality of the Turbulent Flow, k-
ε and Transport of Concentrated Species interfaces. Using this physics interface, the mass and momentum transport in reacting turbulent fluid flow can be modeled, with the couplings between the velocity field and the mixture density set up automatically. The physics interface solves for the mean velocity and pressure fields, together with an arbitrary number of mass fractions. The fluid-flow turbulence is modeled using the standard
ε model, solving for the turbulent kinetic energy
k and the rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy
The Reacting Turbulent Flow, k-ω Interface (

) combines the functionality of the Turbulent Flow, k-
ω and Transport of Concentrated Species interfaces. Using this physics interface, the mass and momentum transport in reacting turbulent fluid flow can be modeled, with the couplings between the velocity field and the mixture density set up automatically. The physics interface solves for the mean velocity and pressure fields, together with an arbitrary number of mass fractions. The fluid-flow turbulence is modeled using the Wilcox revised
ω model, solving for the turbulent kinetic energy
k and the rate of specific dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy
The Reacting Turbulent Flow, SST Interface (

) combines the functionality of the Turbulent Flow, SST and Transport of Concentrated Species interfaces. Using this physics interface, the mass and momentum transport in reacting turbulent fluid flow can be modeled, with the couplings between the velocity field and the mixture density set up automatically. The physics interface solves for the mean velocity and pressure fields, together with an arbitrary number of mass fractions. The fluid-flow turbulence is modeled using the Menter SST model, solving for the turbulent kinetic energy
k and the rate of specific dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy
ω. The physics interface also includes a wall distance equation that solves for the reciprocal wall distance.
The Reacting Turbulent Flow, Low Re k-ε Interface (

) combines the functionality of the Turbulent Flow, Low Re k-
ε and Transport of Concentrated Species interfaces. Using this physics interface, the mass and momentum transport in reacting turbulent fluid flow can be modeled, with the couplings between the velocity field and the mixture density set up automatically. The physics interface solves for the mean velocity and pressure fields, together with an arbitrary number of mass fractions. The fluid-flow turbulence is modeled using the AKN low-Reynolds number
ε model, solving for the turbulent kinetic energy
k and the rate of dissipation of turbulent kinetic energy
ε. The physics interface also includes a wall distance equation that solves for the reciprocal wall distance.
The Reacting Flow in Porous Media, Transport of Diluted Species Interface (

) merges the functionality of the Transport of Diluted Species and the Free and Porous Media Flow interfaces into a multiphysics interface. This way, coupled mass and momentum transport in free and porous media can be modeled from a single physics interface, with the nonlocal coupling for the velocity field set up automatically. In addition, the effective transport coefficients in a porous matrix domain can be derived based on the corresponding values in for a nonporous domain.
The Reacting Flow in Porous Media, Transport of Concentrated Species Interface (

) combines the Transport of Concentrated Species and the Free and Porous Media Flow interfaces. This means that mass and momentum transport can be modeled from a single physics interface, with the couplings between the velocity field and the mixture density set up automatically. Also, the effective transport coefficients in a porous matrix domain are derived based on the corresponding values for a nonporous domain. This physics interface is applicable for fluid flow in the laminar regime.
The High Mach Number Reacting Laminar Flow Interface (

) combines the functionality of the High Mach Number Laminar Flow interface, the Transport of Concentrated Species interface and optionally, the Chemistry interface for modeling transport and reaction of species in gas flows where the velocity magnitude is comparable to the speed of sound in the gas, that is, flows in the transonic and supersonic range. The High Mach Number Reacting Flow multiphysics coupling, added automatically, couples the velocity field and takes into account the heat of reaction, enthalpy diffusion and contributing mass fluxes.
The High Mach Number Reacting Turbulent Flow, k-ε Interface (

) combines the functionality of the High Mach Number Flow, k-
ε interface, the Transport of Concentrated Species interface and optionally, the Chemistry interface for modeling transport and reaction of species in turbulent gas flows where the velocity magnitude is comparable to the speed of sound in the gas, that is, flows in the transonic and supersonic range. The High Mach Number Reacting Flow multiphysics coupling, added automatically, couples the velocity field, takes into account the heat of reaction, enthalpy diffusion and contributing mass fluxes, and introduces mass transport turbulence modeling.
The High Mach Number Reacting Turbulent Flow, Spalart-Allmaras Interface (

) combines the functionality of the High Mach Number Flow, Spalart-Allmaras interface, the Transport of Concentrated Species interface and optionally, the Chemistry interface for modeling transport and reaction of species in turbulent gas flows where the velocity magnitude is comparable to the speed of sound in the gas, that is, flows in the transonic and supersonic range. The High Mach Number Reacting Flow multiphysics coupling, added automatically, couples the velocity field, takes into account the heat of reaction, enthalpy diffusion and contributing mass fluxes, and introduces mass transport turbulence modeling.
The High Mach Number Reacting Laminar Flow, Diluted Species Interface (

) combines the functionality of the High Mach Number Laminar Flow and the Transport of Diluted Species interfaces for modeling mass transport of species dissolved in gas flows where the velocity magnitude is comparable to the speed of sound in the gas, that is, flows in the transonic and supersonic range. The High Mach Number Reacting Flow, Diluted Species multiphysics coupling, added automatically, couples the velocity field.
The High Mach Number Reacting Turbulent Flow, k-ε, Diluted Species Interface (

) combines the functionality of the High Mach Number Flow, k-
ε and the Transport of Diluted Species interfaces for modeling mass transport of species dissolved in turbulent gas flows where the velocity magnitude is comparable to the speed of sound in the gas, that is, flows in the transonic and supersonic range. The High Mach Number Reacting Flow, Diluted Species multiphysics coupling, added automatically, couples the velocity field, adds turbulent mixing contributions to the mass transport equations and introduces mass transport turbulence modeling.
The High Mach Number Reacting Turbulent Flow, Spalart-Allmaras, Diluted Species Interface (

) combines the functionality of the High Mach Number Flow, Spalart-Allmaras and the Transport of Diluted Species interfaces for modeling mass transport of species dissolved in turbulent gas flows where the velocity magnitude is comparable to the speed of sound in the gas, that is, flows in the transonic and supersonic range. The High Mach Number Reacting Flow, Diluted Species multiphysics coupling, added automatically, couples the velocity field, adds turbulent mixing contributions to the mass transport equations and introduces mass transport turbulence modeling.