The High Mach Number Reacting Laminar Flow, Diluted Species multiphysics interface (

) is used to simulate the transport of dilute solutes in laminar gas flows where the velocity magnitude is comparable to the speed of sound in the gas, that is, flows in the transonic and supersonic range.
It combines the High Mach Number Laminar Flow and the
Transport of Diluted Species physics interfaces. The
High Mach Number Reacting Flow, Diluted Species, which is added automatically, couples the velocity field in the interfaces. The mass transfer solves for the development of one or several solutes dissolved in the gas flow in the transonic and supersonic range.
The equations solved by the High Mach Number Flow interface are the Navier-Stokes equations for conservation of momentum, the continuity equation for conservation of mass and the equation for the conservation of energy. A
Fluid Properties feature is active by default on the entire interface selection.
The Transport of Diluted Species interface solves for an arbitrary number of concentrations. The species equations include transport by convection, diffusion and, optionally, migration in an electric field.