Interior Impedance
Use the Interior Impedance condition to specify a specific transfer impedance on an interior boundary. The impedance can be any expression and can, for example, be a function of the frequency (freq). The condition is based on the Ingard-Myers condition, see Ref. 1 and About the Impedance Boundary Condition located in the Theory Background for the Aeroacoustics Branch section. The condition is a so-called low frequency approximation; the viscous boundary layer of the background flow is assumed infinitely thin at the impedance wall.
Interior Impedance (Ingard-Myers)
Enter the value of the Specific transfer impedance Zn (SI unit: Pa·s/m). This can be an analytical expression or data provided through an interpolation function. Click to select the Grazing flow conditions check box, if the impedance is at a boundary with no normal velocity component for the background flow, u0·n = 0. This simplifies the equations that are solved for in the boundary condition.
Constraint Settings
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box.
Excluded Edges/Points
To display this section, click the Show More Options button () and select Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box. See Suppressing Constraints on Lower Dimensions for details.