Part Libraries
The Part Libraries can be used to store and access a set of standard geometric entities. It is possible to create custom user-defined geometry libraries or to use built-in collections of geometric entities that are available with many add-on modules for COMSOL Multiphysics.
A dedicated part library for the Structural Mechanics Module is included. The library consists of two main parts:
Bolts, nuts, and washers. These are parts intended for quick modeling of fasteners. The bolts geometries are prepared for use with the Modeling Pretensioned Bolts functionality. Some of the bolt geometries are also augmented with an extra domain intended for use as a “drill” when building the geometry.
Figure 2-41: Example of a bolt part.
Beam cross sections. These are 2D geometries, primarily intended for use in The Beam Cross Section Interface. The library includes geometries for all standard beam cross sections according to European and US standards, as well as generic beam geometries.
Figure 2-42: Example of a standard beam cross section.
Figure 2-43: Example of a generic beam cross section.
All entities in the built-in the Part Libraries are fully parameterized, making them easy to use as parts in large-scale industrial models.
Part Libraries in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual