The Wall node includes a set of boundary conditions describing fluid-flow conditions at stationary, moving, and leaking walls. For turbulent flow, the description may involve wall functions and asymptotic expressions for certain turbulence variables.
Boundary Condition
Select a Boundary condition for the wall.
No Slip
No slip is the default boundary condition to model solid walls. A no slip wall is a wall where the fluid velocity relative to the wall velocity is zero. For a stationary wall that means that u = 0.
The option for Porous treatment of no slip condition should be decided in Physical Model when Enable porous media domains is activated. It specifies how Wall boundaries and Interior Wall boundaries internal to porous domains are treated. When Standard no slip formulation is chosen, a common no slip condition is applied on all solid walls. When Porous slip is chosen, a blending analytic expression is instead applied on the corresponding wall boundaries adjacent to the porous medium domain. It results in a no slip condition in case the porous length scale is fully resolved by the mesh and a slip condition in the opposite limit when the mesh is much coarser than the porous scale. A smooth transition between these limits is ensured. Note that the interpretation and usage of non-zero slip at the wall is the same as in the Navier Slip boundary condition. By default, Velocity formulation is on and the treatment is based on an approximate reconstruction of the far field pressure gradient using the slip velocity at the wall. If the Pressure-gradient formulation is chosen, the local pressure gradient at the wall is employed.
The Slip option prescribes a no-penetration condition, u·n = 0. It is implicitly assumed that there are no viscous effects at the slip wall and hence, no boundary layer develops. From a modeling point of view, this can be a reasonable approximation if the main effect of the wall is to prevent fluid from leaving the domain.
Electroosmotic Velocity
When an electric field drives a flow along the boundary, the components for the Electric field E along with the Electroosmotic mobility μeo should be defined. The Built-in expression for the Electroosmotic mobility requires values or expressions for the Zeta potential ζ and the Relative permittivity εr.
Slip Velocity
In the microscale range, the flow condition at a boundary is seldom strictly no slip or slip. Instead, the boundary condition is something in between, and there is a Slip velocity at the boundary. Two phenomena account for this velocity: noncontinuum effects and the flow induced by a thermal gradient along the boundary.
When the Use viscous slip check box is selected, the default Slip length Ls is User defined. Another value or expression may be entered if the default value is not applicable. For Maxwell’s model values or expressions for the Tangential momentum accommodation coefficient av and the Mean free path λ should be specified. Tangential accommodation coefficients are typically in the range of 0.85 to 1.0 and can be found in G. Kariadakis, A. Beskok, and N. Aluru, Microflows and Nanoflows, Springer Science and Business Media, 2005.
When the Use thermal creep check box is selected, a thermal creep contribution with Thermal slip coefficient σT is activated. Thermal slip coefficients are typically between 0.3 and 1.0 and can be found in G. Kariadakis, A. Beskok, and N. Aluru, Microflows and Nanoflows, Springer Science and Business Media, 2005.
Leaking Wall
This boundary condition may be used to simulate a wall where fluid is leaking into or leaving the domain with the velocity u = ul through a perforated wall. The components of the Fluid velocity ul on the leaking wall should be specified.
Navier Slip
This boundary condition enforces no-penetration at the wall, , and adds a tangential stress
where , and K is the viscous stress tensor. β is a slip length, and is the velocity tangential to the wall.
The Slip length setting is per default set to Factor of minimum element length. The slip length β is then defined as , where is the smallest element side and is a user input. Select User defined from the Slip length selection list in order to manually prescribe β (SI unit: m).
In cases where the wall movement is nonzero, check Account for the translational wall velocity in the friction force to use instead of in the friction force.
The Navier slip option is not available when selecting a turbulence model.
Wall Movement
This section contains controls to describe the wall movement relative to the lab (or spatial) frame.
The Translational velocity setting controls the translational wall velocity, utr. The list is per default set to Automatic from frame. The physics automatically detects if the spatial frame moves. This can for example happen if an ALE interface is present in the model component. If there is no movement utr = 0. If the frame moves, utr becomes equal to the frame movement. utr is accounted for in the actual boundary condition prescribed in the Boundary condition section.
Select Zero (Fixed wall) from Translational velocity selection list to prescribe utr = 0.
Select Manual from Translational velocity selection list in order to manually prescribe Velocity of moving wall, utr. This can for example be used to model an oscillating wall where the magnitude of the oscillations are very small compared to the rest of the model. Specifying translational velocity manually does not automatically cause the associated wall to move. An additional Moving Mesh node needs to be added from Definitions to physically track the wall movement in the spatial reference frame.
The Sliding wall option is appropriate if the wall behaves like a conveyor belt with the surface sliding in a tangential direction. A velocity is prescribed at the wall and the boundary itself does not have to actually move relative to the reference frame.
For 3D components, values or expressions for the Velocity of sliding wall uw should be specified. If the velocity vector entered is not in the plane of the wall, COMSOL Multiphysics projects it onto the tangential direction. Its magnitude is adjusted to be the same as the magnitude of the vector entered.
Constraint Settings
This section is displayed by clicking the Show More Options button () and selecting Advanced Physics Options in the Show More Options dialog box. The Constraints settings can be set to Default, Use pointwise constraints, Use DG constraints, or Use weak constraints. Use mixed constraints can be selected when imposing a no slip condition exactly.
Depending on the constraint method selected, the following settings are available:
Apply reaction terms on can be set to Individual dependent variables (default) or All physics (symmetric). This setting is not available when Use DG constraints is selected.
Select Elemental (default) or Nodal under Constraint method. This setting is not available for Use DG constraints or Use weak constraints.
The Moving Mesh Interface in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual