Frequency Domain and Frequency Domain Perturbation
A Frequency Domain study step is used to compute the response of a linear or linearized model subjected to harmonic excitation for one or several frequencies. A Frequency-Domain Perturbation study step is used for studying small oscillations about a biased solution (small-signal analysis).
Syntax, "Frequency");, "Frequencylinearized");,value);
Study step.
The following properties are available.
init | sol
Method used for linearization point, which for sol is determined by the current solution (that is, the solution computed by the previous feature in the sequence).
zero | solution object
all | auto | first | last | from_list | interp | manual | solution number
no | yes | auto
on | off
Probes to use when probesel=manual.
all | none | manual
on | off
init | sol
Reference to study or "zero" for zero solution.
init | sol
auto | all | first | last | from_list | interp | manual | positive integer
Reference to study or "zero" for zero solution.
auto | first | last | interp | manual | positive integer
on | off
on | off
all | selection
on | off
Continuation parameter when pcontinuationmode = manual.
no | last | manual
on | off
filled | sparse
on | off
For the adaptation and error estimates settings, see Properties for Mesh Adaptation and Error Estimates.