A Stationary study step is intended for a stationary or steady-state situation where you can use a stationary solver.
Syntax, "Stationary");,value);
Study step.
The following properties are available.
on | off
pout | psteps
Probes to use when probesel=manual.
all | none | manual
on | off
init | sol
Reference to study or "zero" for zero solution.
init | sol
auto | all | first | last | from_list | interp | manual | positive integer
Reference to study or "zero" for zero solution.
auto | first | last | interp | manual | positive integer
on | off
on | off
all | selection
on | off
Adjoint solution error estimate (for adaptation). The on value corresponds to PPR for Lagrange and the off value corresponds to Interpolation error in the user interface.
on | off
globalmin | worst | elements
domain | boundary | edge
none | adaption | errest
l2errest | goalerrest
l2errest for adaption; goalerrest for errest
Functional when goalfunctype is set to gfman.
on | off
gfint | gfl2 | gfl1 | gflinf
Predefined functionals for the solution when goalfunctype is set to gfpredef: integral (the default), L2 norm, L1 norm, or approximate max norm.
gfpredef | gfman
off | auto | manual
minimal | normal | detailed
modify | rebuild | regular | longest
true | false
first | last | all | manual
Solution selection: the first or last solution, a all solutions, or manual, using weights and solution number indices in adapsolnum. Eigenfrequency studies use all with weights set to 1, which then uses the first solution only.
graphics | new
Controls refinement if elselect=worst (for adaptation).
When the goalorientedtermination property is set to manual, you can add goal-oriented termination expression using the setIndex() method:
goalorientedterminationexpression: The expression for goal-oriented termination.
goalorientedterminationtolerance: The tolerance for the goal-oriented termination.
  goalorientedtolerancetype: The tolerance type: "relative" or "absolute".
goalorientedterminationactive: If the goal-oriented expression is active or not (true or false).
Matrix with "on"/"off" entries
Matrix with "on"/"off" entries
Continuation parameter when pcontinuationmode = manual.
no | last | manual
on | off
no | yes | auto
filled | sparse
on | off
on | off