The Mapping (

) study is a dedicated study to use when the
Background Fluid Flow Coupling couples a
Fluid Flow interface and an
Aeroacoustics interface. The study should only solve for the multiphysics coupling. The study uses a
Stationary solver. Together with the multiphysics coupling, the study handles the mapping of dependent variables between the fluid flow mesh and the acoustics mesh for consistent simulation results.
Only select the Background Fluid Flow Coupling as being
Solved for. No other physics will be solved by the mapping study.
From the Study list select the study containing the coupled fluid flow interface to map. Depending on the type of study, used for the fluid flow simulation, you will get a different type of list to choose from: time steps or parameter values. From the list, select the appropriate solution or solutions to map. The option
All will automatically add a parameter sweep and map all parameter values from the selected solution. The
Mapping study step will automatically ensure that those parameter values are used.