Helmholtz Resonator with Flow: Interaction of Flow and Acoustics. The Application Library path: Acoustics_Module/Aeroacoustics_and_Noise/helmholtz_resnoator_with_flow
Select Map the pressure (selected per default), Map the velocity (selected per default), Map the density, Map the temperature, or Map the turbulent viscosity as necessary.
For the velocity select Use no slip boundary on no slip walls if the mapped variables should have a true/forced no-slip condition applied. This may modify the flow solution slightly near walls and should be used with care. When combined with the linearized Navier–Stokes physics this may be necessary to get consistent no-slip conditions at walls.
The Use symmetry on symmetry walls option, selected per default, ensures that the mapped flow field is symmetric for symmetry conditions.
For the pressure, velocity, density, temperature, and turbulent viscosity variables the option Constrain the (variable) on exterior boundaries option sets up a constrain on all exterior boundaries, where the mapped variable is set equal to the source fluid flow variable.