Wave Speeds
When you add a Wave Speeds node, a number of postprocessing variables containing information about wave speeds in the material are created. This node does not influence the solution.
When a Wave Speeds node has been added, you do not need to compute a new solution. It is sufficient to perform an Update Solution to make the new variables available for result presentation.
The Wave Speeds node is only available with some COMSOL products (see https://www.comsol.com/products/specifications/).
Wave Speeds
Select a Wave propagation directionCoordinate system axes or User Defined. This is the propagation direction with respect to which the wave speeds will be computed.
When is Coordinate system axes used, the wave propagation direction is along the first axis of the selected coordinate system.
When User Defined is selected, enter also the Direction vector, n. The vector, which is interpreted in the selected coordinate system, gives the wave propagation direction.
Select Compute group velocity in order to create variables also for the group velocities. The default is to only compute phase velocities.
Wave Speed Computation for the theory for a linear elastic material.
Wave Propagation in Piezoelectric Media for the theory for a piezoelectric material.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Linear Elastic Material or Piezoelectric Material selected in the Model Builder tree: