Richards’ Equation Model
The Richards’ Equation Model node adds Richards’ equation (Equation 4-14) for flow in variably saturated porous media and provides an interface for defining the fluid properties as well as the retention model. The source term can be included as separate feature.
Fluid Properties
The default Fluid material uses the Domain material (the material defined for the domain). Select another material as needed.
The default Density ρ (SI unit: kg/m3) uses values From material based on Fluid material selected. For User defined enter another value or expression. The default is 0 kg/m3.
The default Dynamic viscosity μ (SI unit: Pa·s) uses values From material based on the Fluid material selected. For User defined enter another value or expression. The default is 0 Pa·s.
If Hydraulic conductivity is selected as the Permeability model (see the Matrix Properties section), dynamic viscosity is not available. The hydraulic conductivity is defined using a combination of fluid and matrix properties and replaces the need of defining the dynamic viscosity.
Matrix Properties
The default Porous material uses the Domain material (the material defined for the domain) for the porous matrix. Select another material as needed.
Permeability Model
Select a Permeability model to specify the capacity of the porous material to transmit flow. Select Permeability to define the permeability of the porous matrix, Hydraulic conductivity to define a combination of fluid permeability and dynamic viscosity, or Kozeny-Carman to define the permeability from the porosity and mean particle diameter.
For Permeability κs (SI unit: m2) the default uses values From material as defined by the Porous material selected. For User defined select Isotropic to define a scalar value or Diagonal, Symmetric, or Full to enter a tensor value.
For Hydraulic conductivity Ks (SI unit: m/s) enter a value or expression. Select Isotropic to define a scalar value or Diagonal, Symmetric, or Full to enter a tensor value.
For Kozeny-Carman, enter a value or expression for the mean particle diameter dp (SI unit: m), the default value is 0.5 mm.
Saturated Liquid Volume Fraction
The property that defines the pore volume in Richards’ Equation is the Saturated liquid volume fraction θs. Enter a value, which is a fraction (a dimensionless number between 0 and 1). The default is 0.25.
Residual Liquid Volume Fraction
If there is a residual volume of liquid that cannot move through the pore network, also enter a Residual liquid volume fraction θr. Enter a value, which is a fraction (a dimensionless number between 0 and 1). The default is 0.
Storage Model
Select a Storage model S (SI unit: 1/Pa) — Linearized storage or User defined. For User defined enter a Storage S (SI unit: 1/Pa) value or expression. Select Linearized storage to use the following linear equation to define the storage:
This expression is equivalent to the Reuss average of the fluid and solid compressibilities. Enter the value or expression for these properties to define the linear storage — Compressibility of fluid χf (SI unit: 1/Pa) and Effective compressibility of matrix χp (SI unit: 1/Pa).
Retention Model
Select a Retention modelvan Genuchten, Brooks and Corey, or User defined.
Select van Genuchten to use the retention model according to van Genuchten (see Equation 4-15). Then enter the values for these Constitutive relation constants. The constitutive parameter m is equal to 11 / n.
α (default is 1, and the SI unit is 1/m).
n (default is 2)
l (default is 0.5)
Select Brooks and Corey to use the retention model according to Brooks and Corey (see Equation 4-16). The same parameters as for the van Genuchten model also define the Brook and Corey model: α, n, and l.
Select User defined to specify a retention model in Equation 4-14, instead of van Genuchten (Equation 4-15) or Brooks and Corey (Equation 4-16) models:
Unsaturated condition un. The default is 0.
Liquid volume fraction θ. The default is θs (the thetas variable).
Effective saturation Se. The default is 0.
Specific moisture capacity Cm (SI unit: 1/m). The default is 0 (1/m).
Relative permeability kr. The default is 1.