Save a COMSOL Multiphysics model.
mphsave(model) saves the COMSOL model object model.
mphsave(model,filename,...) saves the COMSOL model object model to the file named filename.
mphsave(filename) saves the unique COMSOL model that is loaded in the COMSOL server to the file named filename.
mphsave(mtag) saves the COMSOL model loaded in the COMSOL server with the tag mtag.
mphsave(mtag,filename,...) aves the COMSOL model loaded in the COMSOL server with the tag mtag to the file named filename.
The function mphsave accepts the following property/value pairs:
If the file name is not provided, the model has to be saved previously on disk.
If the file name does not provide a path, the file is saved relatively to the current path in MATLAB®.
The model can be saved as an MPH-file, Java file, or M-file. The file extension determines which format that is saved.
Note: Model created with older version than COMSOL 5.3 cannot be saved using the component syntax.
See also
mphopen, mphload