When the Shell type is Layered shell in the Shells Properties section of the parent interface, the same layered material is used in the Fluid node, but you can limit the contribution to individually selected layers by clearing the Use all layers check box. For a given Layered Material Link or Layered Material Stack, you get access to a list of check boxes for the selection of the individual layers. In this case, both the General and Thermally thin approximation options are available in the Layer Model section.
When the Shell type is Nonlayered shell in the Shells Properties section of the parent interface, the Thickness is taken From physics interface in the Fluid node. This option is not editable when Fluid is the default node, but you can change to User defined and override the interface setting with a specific value or expression for Lth when the node was added manually. In this case, only the Thermally thin approximation option is available in the Layer Model section.
When the Shell type is Layered shell, the Extra Dimension tool is used to solve the equations through the thickness of a layered material. It is possible to consider several layers with different thermal properties varying through the thickness. This makes the General and Thermally thin approximation options available for Layer type in the Layer Model section. You can limit the contribution to individually selected layers by clearing the Use all layers check box. For a given Layered Material Link or Layered Material Stack, you get access to a list of check boxes for the selection of the individual layers.
Alternatively, set Shell type to Nonlayered shell, and set a user defined value or expression for the Thickness Lth. This option should be used for thermally thin layers, for which no through-thickness temperature variation is expected in the layered material. This makes Thermally thin approximation the only option available for Layer type in the Layer Model section.
See Layered Material, Layered Material Link, Layered Material Stack, Layered Material Link (Subnode), and Single-Layer Materials in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual.
Vapor mass fraction to define the ratio between vapor mass and total mass. Enter a value or expression for the Vapor mass fraction ω.
Concentration to define the amount of water vapor in the total volume. If selected, a Concentration model input is added to the Model Inputs section.
Moisture content (default), also called mixing ratio or humidity ratio, to define the ratio between water vapor mass and dry air mass. For User defined, enter a value or expression for the Moisture Content xvap. Else, select an Ambient moisture content defined in an Ambient Properties node under Definitions.
Relative humidity
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Within a layered material selection, a single Layer type should be used. If two layer types are needed for the same layered material, the original material should be duplicated so that one layered material is defined for each layer type. A Shell Continuity (Heat Transfer Interface) and Continuity (Heat Transfer in Shells Interface) node may be added between the two layered materials.