Create a solution dataset.
model.result().dataset(<dtag>).set(property, <value>);
model.result().dataset().create(<dtag>,"Solution") creates a solution dataset.
Solution datasets refer to a solution in a solver sequence. All result features that perform evaluations on a solution refer to these datasets rather than directly to the solution itself. The solution datasets specify which geometry and frame to use for evaluation and whether to evaluate only on a specific selection, among other things. It is possible to have multiple dataset solutions referring to the same solution.
The following properties are available:
mesh | material | spatial| geometry
material or spatial
<mtag>) creates a new geometry sequence (deformed configuration) tagged <gtag> together with a meshing sequence tagged <mtag> to use for remeshing of a deformed mesh. The created geometry sequence only contains a FromMesh feature.
Create a solution dataset and set it to point to the second component in the solver sequence sol1:
Code for Use with Java
DatasetFeature ds = model.result().dataset().create("dset1", "Solution");
ds.set("solution", "sol1");
ds.set("comp", "comp2");
Code for Use with MATLAB
ds = model.result.dataset.create('dset1', 'Solution');
ds.set('solution', 'sol1');
ds.set('comp', 'comp2');
See Also
PlotGroup1D, PlotGroup2D, PlotGroup3D