Elastoplastic Soil Models
In this section:
The Modified Cam-Clay Soil Model
The Cam-Clay material model was developed in the 1970s at the University of Cambridge, and since then it has experienced different modifications. The modified Cam-Clay model (MCC) is the most commonly used model due to its smooth yield surface, and it is the one implemented in the Geomechanics Module.
The modified Cam-Clay model is a so called critical state model, where the loading and unloading of the material follows different trajectories in stress space. The model also features hardening and softening of clays. Different formulations can be found in textbooks, see for instance Ref. 13, Ref. 14, and Ref. 15.
The yield function is written in terms of the stress invariants
Following the Structural Mechanics Module sign convention (the pressure is positive in compression), the yield function reads:
This is an ellipse in the pq-plane, with a cross section independent of the Lode angle. Note that p, q, and pc are positive variables.
The parameter M > 0 defines the slope of the critical state line in the pq-plane. This parameter can be related to the angle of internal friction φ in the Mohr-Coulomb criterion as
Figure 3-14: Modified Cam-Clay ellipse in the pq-plane. The ellipse circumscribes a nonlinear elastic region.
The slope of the critical state line M can either be a material property or it can be derived from the angle of internal friction φ.
The soil response to isotropic compression is described by the curve of the void ratio (or specific volume or volumetric strain) versus the logarithm of nondimensional pressure as shown in Figure 3-15.
The void ratio e is the ratio between the pore space and solid volume. It can be written in terms of the porosity ε as e = ε/(1−ε).
Figure 3-15: Slopes of the virgin isotropic consolidation line and swelling line in the e versus plane. The reference void ratio eref is measured at the reference pressure pref.
The compression index λ is the slope of the virgin isotropic consolidation line, and the swelling index κ is the slope of the swelling line (also called unloading-reloading line) in the e versus plane. The nondimensional pressure is written using the reference pressure pref
The equation for the virgin isotropic consolidation line is written as
The void ratio at the initial consolidation pressure pc0 is given by
The equation for the swelling line is
where e0 is the initial void ratio calculated as
Assuming small deformations and adopting the sign convention of Structural Mechanics, the elastic volumetric strain is related to the void ratio as
For elastic response, the incremental volumetric elastic strain is written as
Integrating Equation 3-47, the equation is reformulated as
Then the nonlinear relation between pressure and volumetric strain is obtained by
At zero volumetric elastic strain the pressure is nonzero and equal to the reference pressure pref. The reference pressure is generally a unit pressure in the used unit system, in the literature the value varies from 1 kPa to 100 kPa. In COMSOL the default value is 100 kPa.
The tangent bulk modulus Kt is written as
The secant bulk modulus Ks (or bulk modulus K) is written as
The total volumetric strain increment in written as
The evolution of void ratio is then written as
In the modified Cam-Clay model, hardening is controlled by the consolidation pressure pc, which depends on the volumetric plastic strain εp,vol as
The elastic and plastic volumetric strains are available in the variable solid.eelvol and solid.epvol, respectively. The consolidation pressure is available in the variable item.pc.
The evolution of the consolidation pressure depends on the values for the initial void ratio e0, the swelling index κ, and the compression index λ, which are positive parameters that fulfill
If an Initial Stress and Strain node is added to the Cam-Clay material, the initial consolidation pressure pc0 must be equal or larger than one third of minus the trace of the initial stress tensor, otherwise the initial stress state is outside the Cam-Clay ellipse.
Volumetric elastic deformation
The stress-strain relation beyond the elastic range is of great importance in soil mechanics. For additive decomposition of strains, Cauchy’s stress tensor is written as
Here, σ is the stress tensor, ε is the total strain tensor, εel is the elastic strain tensor, σ0 is the initial or external stress tensor, and C is the fourth-order elasticity tensor. Assuming an isotropic material, Hooke’s law simplifies to
Here, G is the shear modulus.
At zero volumetric strain and no loading, the pressure in the MCC model is equal to the reference pressure (see Equation 3-48). This is needed as the MCC model do not have stiffness at zero stress. The reference pressure appears as an additional term in the variational formulation (weak equation).
As opposed to the Linear Elastic Material, the MCC model introduces a nonlinear relation for the hydrostatic pressure as a function of the volumetric elastic strain given by Equation 3-48.
Hardening and softening
The yield surface for the modified Cam-Clay model reads
The yield surface and the associated flow rule (Qp = Fy) give the rate equation for the plastic strains. The plastic strain tensor εp is calculated from the plastic multiplier λp and the derivatives of the plastic potential Qp with respect to the stress tensor σ
Here, λp stands for the plastic multiplier, see Plastic Flow for Small Strains and Isotropic Hardening.
The plastic strain rate tensor includes both deviatoric and isotropic parts. Note that
These relations can be used for writing the plastic flow as
since the associated flow rule implies a plastic potential such as
the plastic flow rule simplifies to
The trace of the plastic strain rate tensor (the volumetric plastic strain rate ) then reads
This relation explains why there is isotropic hardening when the pressure is p > pc/2 and isotropic softening when p < pc/2. As opposed to what happens in J2 plasticity, in the modified Cam-Clay soil model the volumetric plastic strain can either increase or decrease as plastic deformation occurs.
In the MCC model, hardening is controlled by the consolidation pressure pc as a function of volumetric plastic strain, as described in Equation 3-50.
Hardening introduces changes in the shape of the Cam-Clay ellipse, since its major semi-axis depends on the value of the consolidation pressure pc. The initial consolidation pressure pc0 defines the size of the ellipse before plastic deformation occurs.
Including pore pressure
When an external pore pressure pf is added to the MCC material, the yield function is shifted along the p axis, and the yield function reads:
The quantity p − pf is normally regarded as the effective pressure, or effective stress, which should not be confused with the von Mises stress. To add the effect of a fluid pressure in the pores pf to the Modified Cam-Clay material, add an External Stress feature.
See also the description of the Elastoplastic Soil Material materials in the Solid Mechanics interface documentation.
The Modified Structured Cam-Clay Soil Model
The structured Cam-Clay model (SCC) was developed (Ref. 20, Ref. 21) to circumvent the limitations of the Cam-Clay model when applied to structured soils and clays. The SCC model, however, does not consider the influence of the soil structure neither on strength characteristics (especially cohesion) nor in the softening behavior, and it is also not suitable to model cemented clays.
The modified structured Cam-Clay model (MSCC) was further developed to model destructured, naturally structured and artificially structured clays (Ref. 20), and it is the one implemented in the Geomechanics Module.
In the MSCC model, the reduction of mean effective stress due to structure degradation, pb, depends on the shear plastic strain εp,dev. The destructuring mechanism is the process of reducing structure strength due to the degradation and crushing of the structure. The structure degradation is given by
Here, pbi is the initial structural strength, pbf the failure structural strength, εp,devc is the effective plastic strain at failure, and ds is the destructuring index due to shear deformation.
The effective deviatoric plastic strain at which the crushing of the structure begins, εp,devc, has a typical value between 0.15 and 0.3 for most clays.
Structured clays show a higher void ratio than destructured clays at the same effective mean stress. The virgin compression behavior during the destructuring process is expressed by
where is e void ratio of the structured clay, Δe is additional void ratio, e* is void ratio of the destructured clay at the same stress state. The void ratio can be found by using Equation 3-49. Further, Δei is the additional void ratio at consolidation pressure, and dv is the destructuring index due to volumetric deformation.
The yield surface for the modified structured Cam-Clay model reads
The nonassociated plastic potential reads
Here, ς is a parameter to smooth the shape of the plastic potential. The slope of the critical state line, M can be found by using Equation 3-46.
In the modified structured Cam-Clay soil model, hardening is controlled by the consolidation pressure pc as a function of volumetric plastic strain, and is described as
Here λ* is the compression index for destructured clay, κ is the swelling index, and η is ratio of shear stress to mean stress.
The MSCC and MCC models are equivalent when Δei = 0, ς = 2, and pb = 0.
The relationship between hydrostatic pressure and volumetric elastic strain is the same as the one outlined in The Modified Cam-Clay Soil Model,
(3-52) with
The stress tensor is then computed from
At zero volumetric strain and no loading, the pressure of MSCC model is equal to reference pressure (see Equation 3-52). This is needed as the MSCC model does not have any stiffness at zero stress. The reference pressure appears as an additional term in the variational formulation (weak equation form).
The Extended Barcelona Basic Soil Model
The Barcelona Basic model (BBM) was developed to simulate unsaturated and partially saturated soils, by incorporating an extra state variable for the pore suction. Suction affects the flow in porous soils, as well as the stress distribution and deformation.
The suction value depends on the amount of water in the soil. The BBM uses the concepts of plasticity theory, incorporating the critical state model (Ref. 22). This soil model matches the results obtained with the Modified Cam-Clay Model in fully saturated soils.
The so called extended Barcelona Basic model (BBMx) was further developed to overcome numerical limitations of the original BBM model (Ref. 23).
The BBMx model presents a smooth yield surface with respect to both stress and suction, and it is the one implemented in the Geomechanics Module.
Here, p and q are stress invariants as defined in The Modified Cam-Clay Soil Model, pcs is the consolidation pressure at current suction, ps is the tensile strength due to current suction, s is the current suction, b is a dimensionless smoothing parameter, sy is the yield value at current suction, and pref is the reference pressure at which the reference void ratio eref was measured.
The tensile strength due to current suction, ps, is linearly related to the suction level as ps = ks, where k is the tension to suction ratio.
The consolidation pressure at current suction pcs is calculated from
where λ(s) is the compression index at current suction, λ0 is the compression index at saturation, and κ is the swelling index. The compression index at current suction, λ(s), is given by
where w and m are weighting and soil stiffness parameters.
As opposed to The Modified Cam-Clay Soil Model, the slope of the critical state line, M, depends on both the Lode angle θ and the angle of internal friction φ.
The associated plastic potential for the BBMx model reads
The plastic strain increments are computed from the derivatives of the plastic potential with respect to stress only.
As in The Modified Cam-Clay Soil Model, hardening is controlled by the evolution of the consolidation pressure pc, which depends on the volumetric plastic strain εp,vol.
The initial void ratio e0, the swelling index κ, and the compression index at saturation λ0, are positive parameters.
The evolution of the yield value at current suction, sy, is also governed by the volumetric plastic strain εpl,vol as
Here λs is the compression index for changes in suction, κs is the swelling index for changes in suction, and patm is the atmospheric pressure, all positive parameters. Note that Equation 3-53 and Equation 3-54 are normally given with opposite sign, but here we use the structural mechanics convention so the increments in consolidation pressure and suction are positive in compression.
The evolution of void ratio is then written as
In the BBMx model, the total volumetric elastic response is combination of elastic response by pressure and suction,
Here K is the bulk modulus, and Kcs the stiffness to suction. Note that the pressure p in compression and suction s is positive variables, but the elastic volumetric strain εel,vol is negative in compression.The volumetric elastic response due to suction is given by
Here, s0 is the initial suction. The volumetric elastic response due to suction is accounted in the total strain tensor for BBMx model, so any changes in suction with keeping pressure constant can cause volumetric strains.
The relationship between hydrostatic pressure and volumetric elastic strain is the same as the one outlined in The Modified Cam-Clay Soil Model
The stress tensor is then computed from
At zero volumetric strain at no loading, the pressure of BBMx model is equal to reference pressure (see Equation 3-52). This is needed as the BBMx model does not have stiffness at zero stress. The reference pressure appears as an additional term i the variational formulation (weak equation form).
Note that the variables λ0, λ(s), and λs are different. The material property λ0 is the compression index at saturation, which does not depends on the suction. The variable λ(s), which is a function of the current suction, is the compression index in the void ratio vs. natural logarithm of the mean stress plane. The material property λs is the compression index in the void ratio vs. natural logarithm of the matrix suction plane, which does not depends on the mean stress.
The Hardening Soil Model
The Hardening Soil model is an elastoplastic material model with a stress and stress path dependent stiffness. It is a so-called double stiffness model, meaning that its stiffness is different during the primary loading and unloading/reloading cases (Ref. 24). The yield surface for the Hardening Soil model is a combination of a conical surface and an elliptic cap surface in stress space. Failure in shear occurs according to a Mohr-Coulomb criterion.
The stiffness moduli for primary loading, denoted by E50, and for unloading/reloading, denoted by Eur, are given by
Here and are reference stiffness moduli at reference pressure pref, c is the cohesion, φ is the angle of internal friction, and m is the stress exponent. The ultimate deviatoric stress qf and the stress to failure qa are derived from the Mohr-Coulomb criterion, and defined as
where Rf is the failure ratio. The yield function and plastic potential for the shear hardening cone are defined in terms of stress invariants, and given by
where γp is the accumulated plastic shear strain and ψm is the mobilized dilatancy angle.
The yield function for the elliptic cap, and the associated plastic potential, are also defined in terms of stress invariants, and given by
Here, Rc is the ellipse aspect ratio, and is given by
The special deviatoric stress q is defined as
The internal variables pc and γp depends on the volumetric plastic strain εpl,vol and the plastic strain invariant J2 pl), and their evolution is defined as
where H is the hardening modulus. The hardening modulus depends on the bulk modulus in compression Kc and the bulk modulus in swelling Ks, and is derived from
The dilatancy cut-off is implemented by setting the mobilized dilatancy angle ψm equal to zero when the void ratio reaches the critical void ratio emax.
For an additive decomposition of strains, Cauchy’s stress tensor is written as
where C is a function of the stiffness modulus Eur and Poisson’s ratio ν.