Applied Force (Rigid Connector) to apply a force in given point.
Applied Moment (Rigid Connector) to apply a moment.
Mass and Moment of Inertia (Rigid Connector) to add extra mass and moment of inertia in a given point.
Spring Foundation (Rigid Connector) to add a translational or rotational spring or damper in a given point.
When the Rigid Connector is added at the point level, select a number of points that form the rigid region.
When the Rigid Connector is added at the edge level, this section is initially collapsed. Here, you can add optional points to the rigid region. The points cannot be adjacent to the selected edges.
For Automatic the center of rotation is at the geometrical center of the selected edges. The constraints are applied at the center of rotation.
For Centroid of selected entities when the main selection is at edge level, select Entity level — Edge or Point. A subnode for selection of the entities is added to the Model Builder. The center of rotation is located at the centroid of the selected entities, which do not need to be related to the edges to which the rigid connector is attached. As a special case, you can select a single point, and thus locate the center of rotation at a certain point.
For Centroid of selected entities when the main selection is at point level, a subnode for selection of the points is added to the Model Builder. The center of rotation is located at the centroid of the selected points, which do not need to be related to the points to which the rigid connector is attached. As a special case, you can select a single point, and thus locate the center of rotation at a certain point.
For User defined, in the Global coordinates of center of rotation XC table enter coordinates based on space dimension.
For Constrained rotation select one or more of the Constrain rotation about X, Constrain rotation about Y, and Constrain rotation about Z axis check boxes in order to enforce zero rotation about the corresponding axis in the selected coordinate system.
For Prescribed rotation at center of rotation enter an Axis of rotation Ω and an Angle of rotation
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