Random Vibration (PSD) Study
Random vibration study is used to analyze the response of a structure subjected to loads that randomly vary in time, but their statistical properties do not change with time.
The input to a random vibration analysis is given in terms of power spectral densities (PSD) and, in the case of several loading sources, the load cross-correlations.
The results of this type of analysis can only be interpreted in a statistical sense. Usually, the root mean square (RMS) of the result quantities is studied.
The analysis is based on a mode superposition and the reduced-order model (ROM) functionality. Except from the computation of eigenfrequencies and corresponding eigenmodes, and the creation of the reduced model, the core of the computation is performed during result evaluation.
The Random Vibration (PSD) study is mainly an entry point when adding studies. When you select it, you actually get three studies and a number of nodes under Global Definitions added to the model.
See Performing a Random Vibration Analysis for a detailed description of how to study random vibration.
Bracket — Random Vibration Analysis: Application Library path Structural_Mechanics_Module/Tutorials/bracket_random_vibration
Random Vibration Analysis of a Deep Beam: Application Library path Structural_Mechanics_Module/Verification_Examples/random_vibration_deep_beam