Power Law Mobility Model (L)
The Power Law Mobility Model (L) subnode is available from the context menu (right-click the Semiconductor Material Model parent node) or from the Physics toolbar, Attributes menu. This model incorporates the effect of lattice or phonon scattering into the electron and hole mobilities for the material (the ‘L’ given in brackets indicates lattice scattering). The equations for the mobility model are shown in the Equation section.
Domain Selection
General Parameters
The default Reference temperature Tref (SI unit: K) is taken From material. For User defined enter a value in the text field. The default is 300 K.
Electron Parameters
For each of the following properties the default takes values From material or for User defined enter a different value or expression in the text field.
Electron mobility reference μn,0 (SI unit: m2/(Vs)). The default value is for silicon (1448 cm2/(V-s)). This value represents the zero field mobility at equilibrium.
Electron exponent αn (dimensionless). The default for silicon is 2.33.
Hole Parameters
For each of the following properties the default takes values From material or for User defined enter a different value or expression in the text field.
Hole mobility reference μp,0 (SI unit: m2/(Vs)). The default value is for silicon (473 cm2/(Vs)). This value represents the zero field mobility at equilibrium.
Hole exponent αp (dimensionless). The default value is for silicon (2.23).