Translational Motion
This subnode provides movement by translation to the model for heat transfer in solids. It adds the following contribution to the right-hand side of Equation 6-15, defined in the parent node:
The contribution describes the effect of a moving coordinate system, which is required to model, for example, a moving heat source.
Special care must be taken on boundaries where n ⋅ utrans ≠ 0. The Heat Flux boundary condition does not, for example, work on boundaries where n ⋅ utrans < 0.
Domain Selection
By default, the selection is the same as for the Solid node that it is attached to, but it is possible to use more than one Translational Motion subnode, each covering a subset of the Solid node’s selection.
Translational Motion
The x, y, and z (in 3D) components of the Velocity field utrans should be specified in this section.
Heat Generation in a Disc Brake: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Thermal_Contact_and_Friction/brake_disc
Friction Stir Welding of an Aluminum Plate: Application Library path Heat_Transfer_Module/Thermal_Contact_and_Friction/friction_stir_welding
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
More locations are available. For example:
Physics Tab with Solid or Biological Tissue selected in the model tree: