Create a swept mesh in 3D by sweeping the mesh from the source face along the domain to an opposite destination face.
Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).create(<ftag>,"Sweep") to create a swept mesh in 3D.
Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).selection() to specify the domain selection. If you do not specify any selection the feature creates a mesh on the remaining domains.
Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).create(<ftag1>,ftype) to add a Size or Distribution attribute feature.
Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).selection() to specify the 3D domain selection. If you do not specify any selection the feature creates a mesh on the remaining domains.
The following properties are available:
tri | quad | quadlegacy52 | quadlegacy52a | quadlegacy54
quad for new models; quadlegacy52a or quadlegacy54 for migrated models
on | off
Use the property sourceface and targetface to specify the source faces and the destination faces of the sweep, respectively. For domains in the feature selection where none of the surrounding faces are specified as either a source or a destination face, the software automatically tries to determine these faces.
Use the property sweeppath if you want to specify the shape of the sweep path. The string is either auto, straight, circular, or general. straight means that all interior mesh points are located on straight lines between the corresponding source and destination points. circular means that all interior mesh points are located on circular arcs between the corresponding source and destination points. general means that the positions of the interior mesh points are determined by a general interpolation procedure. auto, which is default, means that the sweeping algorithm automatically tries to determine if the sweep path is straight or circular. If this is the case sweeppath is set to straight or circular, respectively. Otherwise, sweeppath is set to general.
Any source face that is not meshed, is meshed automatically. The property facemethod controls which face meshing method is used:
If facemethod is quad, you get quadrilateral face mesh and therefore hexahedral domain mesh.
If facemehtod is tri, you get triangular face mesh and prism elements in the domain.
Use the property targetmesh if you want to specify the method to be used for transferring the source mesh to the destination. The string is either auto, rigid, morph, or project. rigid means that the destination mesh is created by a rigid transformation of the source mesh, morph means that the destination mesh is created from the source mesh by a morphing technique, and project means that the destination mesh is created from the source mesh by a projection technique. The value auto, which is the default, means that the sweeping algorithm automatically tries to determine a suitable method for creating the destination mesh.
The following attribute features are used:
If a Distribution feature is defined on a domain, it is used to determine the distribution of element layer in the sweep direction. Otherwise, equidistant element layers are generated.
See Also
Distribution, FreeQuad, FreeTri, Map