Mesh element distribution properties.
Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).create(<ftag>,"Distribution") to specify element distribution properties in the sequence. Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).create(<ftag1>,"Distribution") to specify element distribution properties for the feature <ftag> that can be any of the types Edge, FreeQuad, FreeTri, FreeTet, Map, or Sweep.
Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).selection() or model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).feature(<ftag1>).selection() to specify the edge or domain selection.
You can specify a mesh element distribution in three different ways: by specifying the number of elements only, by specifying the number of elements together with properties determining the distribution of the elements, or by specifying the element distribution explicitly. The property type determines which of the three alternatives you want to use. However, you need not set type manually since it is automatically updated when you set a property from one of the three groups below.
The following group of properties are available:
Use the property numelem to specify the number of elements, but let the algorithm determine a suitable distribution, taking geometry and surrounding mesh into account.
on | off
Use the explicit property to specify an explicit element distribution. The value of this property is an array with increasing values starting at 0.
arithmetic | geometric
on | off
on | off
When the type is predefined, the distribution as calculated from the parameters given above.
This Distribution feature can be assigned to edges in 2D and 3D, domains in 3D or the entire geometry. The FreeTet, FreeTri, FreeQuad, Edge, and Map features use this property on when defined on edges, the Sweep feature uses this property defined on domains.
See Also
Scale, Size