Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).create(<ftag>,"Convert") to convert non-simplex elements in a 2D or 3D mesh to simplex elements, that is, triangles and tetrahedra. The convert feature is also available for imported mesh sequences.
Use model.component(<ctag>).mesh(<tag>).feature(<ftag>).selection() to specify the domain or face selection. If you do not specify the selection the feature converts all quadrilateral, pyramidal, prismatic, and hexahedral elements in the mesh.
Use the property splitmethod to specify how to split quadrilateral and hexahedral elements into triangular and tetrahedral elements, respectively. Use the
diagonal option to split each quadrilateral element into two triangular elements and each hexahedral element into five tetrahedral element. Use the
center option to split each quadrilateral element into four triangular elements and each hexahedral element into 28 tetrahedral elements. The conversion also affects quadrilateral elements on the boundaries of the specified domains in 3D, which are converted into two triangular elements (when the option
diagonal is used) or four triangular elements (when the option
center is used).