Incident Pressure Field (for Transient Models)
The Incident Pressure Field node is a subnode to all nonreflecting boundary conditions (plane, cylindrical, spherical wave radiation, and matched boundary). From the Physics toolbar, add to Matched Boundary, Plane Wave Radiation, Spherical Wave Radiation, or Cylindrical Wave Radiation nodes. Three options exist for transient models: Plane weave (monochromatic) (the default), Modulated Gaussian pulse, and User Defined.
Plane Wave (Monochromatic)
The same options apply as for the incident fields as for the Background Pressure Field (for Transient Models) feature.
Modulated Gaussian pulse
The same options apply as for the incident fields as for the Background Pressure Field (for Transient Models) feature.
User Defined
If you are in the Pressure Acoustics, Transient interface, the incident pressure field is only of the user-defined type. In this case, the incident pressure field needs to be defined as a traveling wave of the form
where ω is the angular frequency and k is the wave vector. The function f is any function, for example, a sine function. This spatial and temporal dependency is a requirement for the radiation boundary condition to work properly.