Spherical Wave Radiation
The Spherical Wave Radiation node adds a radiation boundary condition for a spherical wave, for which you define the source location. If required, add an Incident Pressure Field to model an incoming wave. This radiation condition allows an outgoing spherical wave to leave the modeling domain with minimal reflections. The geometry of the modeling domain should be adapted to have the outgoing spherical waves coincide with the boundary, in order to minimize spurious reflections. Add this node from the Radiation Conditions submenu.
See Theory for the Plane, Spherical, and Cylindrical Radiation Boundary Conditions for details about the equations and the formulation of this nonreflecting boundary condition.
Spherical Wave Radiation
Enter coordinates for the Radiating field source location r0 (SI unit: m) for 3D and 2D models. In a 2D axisymmetric model, enter the Radiating field source location, z coordinate z0 (SI unit: m).