Prescribed Acceleration
The Prescribed Acceleration node adds a boundary condition, where the acceleration of the porous matrix is prescribed in one or more directions. With this boundary condition, it is possible to prescribe a acceleration in one direction, leaving the porous matrix free in the other directions. The condition is found under the More Constraints submenu.
Coordinate System Selection
Prescribed Acceleration
To define a porous, prescribed acceleration for each space direction (x, y, and z for 3D), select one or all of the Prescribed in x direction, Prescribed in y direction, and Prescribed in z direction check boxes. Enter a value or expression for the prescribed acceleration ax, ay, and az (SI unit: m/s2).
For 2D axisymmetric components and to define a porous, prescribed acceleration for each space direction (r and z), select one or both of the Prescribed in r direction and Prescribed in z direction check boxes. Then enter a value or expression for the prescribed acceleration ar and az (SI unit: m/s2).