Prescribed Velocity, Interface
The Prescribed Velocity, Interface node adds a boundary condition on the top or bottom face of the shell where the velocity is prescribed in one or more directions. This condition is applicable for Time Dependent and Frequency Domain studies. It is possible to prescribe a velocity in one direction, leaving the structure free in the other directions. The Prescribed Velocity, Interface node is a constraint and overrides any other constraint on the same selection.
To prescribe velocities on the actual material layers, use Prescribed Velocity.
Layer Selection
Select the interface or interfaces for which this constraint is to be added.
All other settings for the Prescribed Velocity, Interface node are described in the documentation for Prescribed Velocity in the Solid Mechanics interface.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Layered Shell>Face and Domain Constraints>Interfaces>Prescribed Velocity, Interface
Physics tab with  Layered Shell selected:
Boundaries>Interfaces>Prescribed Velocity, Interface