Transmission Error
The Transmission Error subnode is automatically added to a Gear Pair, Worm and Wheel, or Rack and Pinion node when Include transmission error is selected under Gear Properties. The static transmission error for individual gears or for a gear pair can be entered in this node.
The contents of the Transmission Error settings adapt to the type of gear pair where it is used.
This section shows a sketch of the contact point of a gear pair in the gear tooth normal plane. The sketch highlights the line of action along which transmission error is interpreted.
Transmission Error
Select the transmission error method Specify Transmission error of individual gears, or Transmission error of gear pair.
For Transmission error of individual gears enter the followings:
When the parent node is Gear Pair, select the Wheel transmission error as function of Mesh cycle, or Full revolution and enter Wheel transmission error, ewh. Similarly, select the Pinion transmission error as function of Mesh cycle, or Full revolution and enter Pinion transmission error, epn.
When the parent node is Worm and Wheel, select the Worm transmission error as function of Mesh cycle, or Full revolution and enter Worm transmission error, ewm. Similarly, select the Wheel transmission error as function of Mesh cycle, or Full revolution and enter Wheel transmission error, ewh.
When the parent node is Rack and Pinion, enter Rack transmission error erk as a function of Mesh cycle. Similarly select the Pinion transmission error as function of Mesh cycle, or Full revolution and enter Pinion transmission error, epn.
The default expression for transmission errors depends on the selection in previous input (for example, the default expression of Wheel transmission error is (0[m])*mbd.grp1.thm_wh when Mesh cycle is selected). The exact naming of the variable depends on the tags of the nodes in the model tree.
For Transmission error of gear pair enter the following:
When the parent node is Gear Pair, select the Transmission error as function of Wheel mesh cycle, Wheel full revolution, Pinion mesh cycle, or Pinion full revolution.
When the parent node is Worm and Wheel, select the Transmission error as function of Worm mesh cycle, Worm full revolution, Wheel mesh cycle, or Wheel full revolution.
When the parent node is Rack and Pinion, select the Transmission error as function of Rack mesh cycle, Pinion mesh cycle, or Pinion full revolution.
Enter Total transmission error, et. The default expression of total transmission error depends on the selection in previous input (for example, it is (0[m])*mbd.grp1.thm_wh when Wheel mesh cycle is selected). The exact naming of the variable depends on the tags of the nodes in the model tree.
Location in User Interface
This node is automatically added when Include transmission error is selected in the parent Gear Pair, Worm and Wheel, and Rack and Pinion nodes. It cannot be added or removed manually.