Geometric Primitives
The geometric primitives provide building blocks of basic geometric shapes for creating geometries in 1D, 2D, and 3D. The features in Table 7-1 are also available as buttons on The Geometry Toolbar, sometimes from the More Primitives ( 3D, 2D, or 1D) menu. You can combine and operate on all geometric primitives using Boolean operations and other Geometry Operations.
If you want to refer to the domains, boundaries, edges, or points (geometric entities) in the Component, COMSOL Multiphysics can create selections for all geometric entities that a geometric primitive consists of. It is also possible to create selections in the geometry nodes for the resulting geometry objects from such operations. See Creating Selections From Geometric Primitives and Operations. For some geometric primitives (blocks and spheres, for example) you can add layers for creating, for example, sandwich structures or layers of concentric spheres. For many properties, press Ctrl+Space (or Ctrl+/) to access global parameters and built-in constants that you can use, for example, to defined the dimensions of a geometric primitive. Also see Part Libraries for information about geometry models that can serve as specialized geometric primitives.
The Selections of Resulting Entities section in the settings for 2D geometry objects under a Plane Geometry node in a work plane is different from the section as described below. See Plane Geometry.