Gaussian Beams as Background Fields
When solving for the scattered field, the background wave type can be set to a predefined Gaussian beam from within the Settings of The Electromagnetic Waves, Frequency Domain Interface. The background field for a Gaussian beam propagating along the z-axis is defined below,
where w0 is the beam radius, p0 is the focal plane on the z-axis, Ebg0 is the background electric field amplitude and the spot radius for different positions along the propagation axis is given by
defines the radius of curvature for the phase of the field and the so called Gouy phase shift is given by
The equations above are expressed using the Rayleigh range z0 and the transverse coordinate ρ, defined by
Note that the time-harmonic ansatz in COMSOL is ejωt and with this convention, the beam above propagates in the +z-direction. The equations are modified accordingly for beams propagating along the other coordinate axes.
The background field for a Gaussian beam is defined in a similar way for 2D components. In the particular case where the beam propagates along the x-axis, the background field is defined as
For a beam propagating along the y-axis, the coordinates x and y are interchanged.
Notice that the expressions above for Gaussian beams are not solutions to the Helmholtz equation, but to the so called paraxial approximation of the Helmholtz equation. This means that these equations become less accurate the smaller the spot radius is and should not be used when the spot radius is of the same size as or smaller than the wavelength.