The Far Field Plots
The Far Field plots are available with this module to plot the value of a global variable (the far field norm, normEfar and normdBEfar, or components of the far field variable Efar).
The variables are plotted for a selected number of angles on a unit circle (in 2D) or a unit sphere (in 3D). The angle interval and the number of angles can be manually specified. For 2D Far Field plots also the reference direction from which the angle is measured and the normal to the plane the far field is computed for can be specified. For 3D Far Field plots you also specify an expression for the surface color.
The main advantage with the Far Field plot, as compared to making a Line Graph, is that the unit circle/sphere that you use for defining the plot directions, is not part of your geometry for the solution. Thus, the number of plotting directions is decoupled from the discretization of the solution domain.
Default Far Field plots are automatically added to any model that uses far field calculations.
Available variables are:
Far-field gain (ewfd.gainEfar)
Far-field gain, dB (ewfd.gainBEfar)
Far-field norm (ewfd.normEfar)
Far-field norm, dB (ewfd.normdBEfar)
Far-field variable, x component (ewfd.Efarx)
Far-field variable, y component (ewfd.Efary)
Far-field variable, z component (ewfd.Efarz)
Additional variables are provided for 3D models.
Axial ratio (ewfd.axialRatio)
Axial ratio, dB (ewfd.axialRatiodB)
Additional variable is provided for 2D models.
3D example with a Polar Plot Group Optical Scattering Off a Gold Nanosphere: Application Library path Wave_Optics_Module/Optical_Scattering/scattering_nanosphere.
Far Field in the COMSOL Multiphysics Reference Manual