Initial Values (Rigid Domain)
The Initial Values node is automatically added as a default node to a Rigid Domain node. You can enter initial values for the rigid body displacement, rotation and velocities, which can serve as an initial condition for a transient simulation or as an initial guess for a nonlinear analysis. The initial values that you specify are interpreted in the selected coordinate system.
Center of Rotation
Select an option from the list: From parent, Centroid of selected entities, or User defined. The given initial values are interpreted at the center of rotation.
For From parent, the center of rotation is taken as the one defined in the parent Rigid Domain node.
For Centroid of selected entities select an Entity levelBoundary, Edge, or Point. The available choices depend on physics interface and geometrical dimension. The initial conditions act at the centroid of the selected entities, which do not need to be related to rigid domain itself. As a special case, you can select a single point, and thus prescribe the initial conditions at that point
For User defined, enter the Global coordinates of center of rotation, Xc, in the table.
Select the Offset check box to add an optional offset vector to the definition of the center of rotation. Enter values for the offset vector Xoffset.
The center of rotation used is the sum of the vector obtained from any of the input methods and the offset vector.
Initial Values: Translational
Initial Values: Rotational
For 3D components only: Axis of rotation Ω
Angular velocity ω (3D components) and φ/t (2D components)
Location in User Interface
This node is automatically added when the Rigid Domain node is created. It cannot be added or removed manually.