Use the Creep subnode to define the creep properties of the material model. This material model is available in the Solid Mechanics and Membrane interfaces, and can be used together with Linear Elastic Material and Nonlinear Elastic Material.
The Nonlinear Structural Material Module or the Geomechanics Module are required for this material model, and the available options depend on the products used. For details, see
See also Creep and Viscoplasticity in the Structural Mechanics Theory chapter.
Creep Data
Nonlinear Structural Materials Module
Select a Material modelNorton, Norton-Bailey, Garofalo (hyperbolic sine), Navarro-Herring, Coble, Weertman, Potential, Volumetric, Deviatoric, or User defined. Then follow the instructions as below.
Geomechanics Module
Select a Material modelPotential, Volumetric, Deviatoric, or User defined. Then follow the instructions as below.
For Norton enter the following settings:
Reference creep stress σref. The default is 1 MPa.
Select the Include temperature dependency check box to add an “Arrhenius-type” temperature dependence. Then enter a Creep activation energy Q.
For Norton-Bailey enter the following settings:
Reference creep stress σref. The default is 1 MPa.
Select a Hardening modelTime hardening or Strain hardening.
For Time hardening, enter the hardening exponent m, the Time shift tshift and the Reference time tref.
For Strain hardening, enter the hardening exponent m, the Effective creep strain shift εshift, and the Reference time tref.
Select the Include temperature dependency check box to add an “Arrhenius-type” temperature dependence. Then enter a Creep activation energy Q.
Garofalo (hyperbolic sine)
For Garofalo (hyperbolic sine) enter the following settings:
Reference creep stress σref. The default is 1 MPa.
Select the Include temperature dependency check box as needed. Then enter a Creep activation energy Q.
For Navarro-Herring enter the following settings:
For Coble enter the following settings:
For Weertman enter the following settings:
Reference creep stress σref. The default is 1 MPa.
For Potential enter the following settings:
For Deviatoric enter the Creep rate Fcr.
For Volumetric enter the Creep rate Fcr.
User defined
For User defined enter each element for the symmetric Creep rate tensor Fcr. The tensor components are interpreted in the coordinate system of the parent node.
To compute the energy dissipation caused by creep, enable the Calculate dissipated energy check box in the Energy Dissipation section of the parent material node (Linear Elastic Material or Nonlinear Elastic Material).
For an example of Norton and Norton-Baily material models, see Combining Creep Material Models: Application Library path Nonlinear_Structural_Materials_Module/Creep/combined_creep.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Solid Mechanics>Linear Elastic Material>Creep
Solid Mechanics>Nonlinear Elastic Material>Creep
Membrane>Linear Elastic Material>Creep
Membrane>Nonlinear Elastic Material>Creep
Physics tab with Linear Elastic Material or Nonlinear Elastic Material node selected in the model tree: