Intensity, Wavefront Curvature, and Polarization
When the Intensity computation is set to Compute intensity or Compute intensity and power in the physics interface Intensity Computation section, the intensity and polarization of each ray is computed along its trajectory. The method used to compute the intensity and polarization treats each ray as a propagating wavefront. The wavefronts are assumed to subtend constant solid angles within each domain, which is valid only when the domains are homogeneous. The following auxiliary dependent variables are defined for each ray:
In 3D:
Four initial Stokes parameters s00, s01, s02, and s03, which characterize the intensity and polarization of the ray. They are reinitialized at material discontinuities and walls.
Two principal radii of curvature, r1 and r2, which represent the maximum and minimum radii of curvature of the intersection of the wavefront with an arbitrary plane.
Three components of a unit vector e1 in the direction corresponding to the first principal radius of curvature. This information is used to reinitialize the principal radii of curvature at curved boundaries.
In 2D:
Four Stokes parameters s0, s1, s2, and s3, which characterize the intensity and polarization of the ray.
One radius of curvature r1 of the wavefront. All wavefronts are assumed to be converging or diverging cylindrical waves, so it is not necessary to define a second radius of curvature.
If the Intensity computation is set to Compute intensity in graded media or Compute intensity and power in graded media, the intensity and polarization of each ray is computed along its trajectory. The method used to compute the intensity and polarization treats each ray as a propagating wavefront. Additional variables are defined to enable the calculation of wavefront curvature in graded media. The following auxiliary dependent variables are defined for each ray:
In 3D:
The intensity help variable Γ and the normalized Stokes parameters sn01, sn02, and sn03, which characterize the intensity and polarization of the ray. They are reinitialized at material discontinuities and walls.
Two principal curvature calculation help variables α1 and α2 and the rotation angle φ which indicates the orientation of the principal curvature directions. An additional help variable is used internally to detect poles in the local coordinate system definition and to redefine the local coordinate system accordingly.
In 2D:
The intensity help variable Γ and the normalized Stokes parameters sn01, sn02, and sn03, which characterize the intensity and polarization of the ray. They are reinitialized at material discontinuities and walls.
For Compute intensity and power and Compute intensity and power in graded media an additional auxiliary dependent variable is defined to indicate the total power transmitted by each ray. This is necessary for computing heat sources generated by the attenuation and absorption of rays.
The Stokes Parameters
The four Stokes parameters completely characterize the intensity and polarization of a fully polarized, partially polarized, or unpolarized ray. The Stokes parameters can be interpreted as indicators of the ray intensity that would be measured when sending a ray through various arrangements of polarizers and wave retarders.
The Stokes parameters of a ray are defined as in Ref. 2 as follows. Consider a ray propagating along the z-axis of a Cartesian coordinate system, with electric field components polarized within the xy-plane. In 3D models the x-axis is parallel to the first principal curvature direction e1. In 2D models the x-axis is always oriented in the out-of-plane direction.
Let I(θ,ε) be the intensity of radiation polarized in the xy-plane at an angle θ counterclockwise from the x-axis, when a phase angle of ε is introduced between the x- and y-components. For example, I(0,0) is the intensity that would be measured after sending a ray through a linear polarizer with a transmission axis parallel to the x-axis, and I(π/4,π/2) is the intensity that would be measured after sending a ray through a system of polarizers and wave retarders that only transmits radiation with right-handed circular polarization. The four Stokes parameters are then defined as follows:
is the sum of the intensity of linearly polarized light in the x- and y-directions. It represents the total intensity of the ray.
is the difference in intensity between light that is linearly polarized in the x-direction and light that is linearly polarized in the y-direction.
For example, a ray with linear polarization parallel to the x-axis has Stokes parameters and . A fully polarized ray is characterized by the relation
A partially polarized or unpolarized ray is characterized by the relation
The degree of polarization P is defined as
A degree of polarization P = 1 corresponds to fully polarized radiation, whereas a degree of polarization P = 0 corresponds to unpolarized radiation.
Principal Radii of Curvature
In 3D models, each ray is treated as a wavefront for which two principal radii of curvature, r1 and r2, are defined. In addition, the values of the two principal radii of curvature are stored as r1,i and r2,i whenever the ray reaches a boundary.
Within domains, the equations
are solved. Negative radii of curvature indicate that the wavefront is expanding as the ray propagates, while positive radii of curvature indicate that the wavefront is converging. A continuous locus of points at which either of the principal radii of curvature equals zero is called a caustic surface. The unit vector e1 is defined so that r1 is the radius of curvature of the intersection of the wavefront with the plane tangent to e1 and the wave vector k. Similarly, if a vector e2 is defined so that
Then r2 is the radius of curvature of the intersection of the wavefront with a plane tangent to e2 and k. The components of e1 are stored as auxiliary dependent variables for each ray. The components of e2 can then be derived from e1 and k at any time.
The principal radii of curvature are reinitialized at material discontinuities, and the orientation of the unit vectors e1 and e2 may change. If the unit vector in the direction of the incident ray ni is not parallel to the surface normal ns, then it is possible to define a unique tangent plane, called the plane of incidence, that contains the incident, reflected, and refracted rays. The unit vector normal to this plane, u0, is defined as
If the ray is normal to the surface, then the incident ray is parallel to the refracted ray and antiparallel to the reflected ray, and u0 can be any arbitrary unit vector orthogonal to ni. In addition to the unit vector normal to the plane of incidence, the following unit vectors tangent to the incident wavefront, refracted wavefront, reflected wavefront, and surface normal are defined:
where the subscripts i, t, and r denote the incident, refracted, and reflected wavefronts, respectively. For a wavefront propagating in a direction n, with principal curvatures and defined for directions e1 and e2, respectively, the principal curvatures in two other orthogonal directions and (both orthogonal to n) are
where θ is the angle of rotation about n which transforms the vectors e1 and e2 to and , respectively. Because and are not principal curvatures, it is necessary to include off-diagonal elements of the wavefront curvature tensor equal to .
The following algorithm is used to reinitialize the principal radii of curvature of the wavefront and their orientations. The reinitialization of the curvature variables follows the method of Stavroudis in Ref. 3.
Given ni and ns, compute unit vectors in the directions of the reflected and refracted rays, nr and nt.
Compute the vectors u0, ui, ut, ur, and us.
Compute the angle of rotation θ(i) needed to transform the local coordinate system with axes parallel to e1, e2, and ni to a local coordinate system with axes parallel to u0, ui, and ni.
Given the two principal curvatures of the surface, k1,s and k2,s with directions e1,s and e2,s, transform the curvature variables to a local coordinate system with axes parallel to u0, us, and ns. Let the new curvature variables be denoted by , , and .
The curvatures of the wavefront and the surface have now been defined in coordinate systems that share the axis u0 and only differ by a rotation by the angle of incidence θi about u0. Defining the variables η and γ as in Material Discontinuity Theory, compute the curvature variables of the refracted ray in a coordinate system defined by u0, ut, and nt using the equations
Obtain the principal curvatures of the refracted ray by rotating the coordinate system defined by u0, ut, and nt by an angle θ(t) about nt. The angle θ(t) is defined as
Invert the principal curvatures to obtain the principal radii of curvature of the refracted ray. Rotate u0 about nt by the angle θ(t) to obtain the reinitialized principal curvature direction e1,t.
Obtain the principal curvatures of the reflected ray by rotating the coordinate system defined by u0, ur, and nr by an angle θ(r) about nr. The angle θ(r) is defined as
Invert the principal curvatures to obtain the principal radii of curvature of the reflected ray. Rotate u0 about nr by the angle θ(r) to obtain the initialized principal curvature direction e1,r.
In 2D components, only one principal radius of curvature is computed; each ray is treated as a cylindrical wave. In addition, no auxiliary degrees of freedom for the principal curvature direction are required because the out-of-plane direction can always be treated as one of the axes of the local coordinate system that defines the orientation of the wavefront.
In 2D axisymmetric model components, radii of curvature are computed for the in-plane direction, i.e. the rz-plane, as well as the out-of-plane or azimuthal directions. During ray-boundary interactions, these radii of curvature are reinitialized as if the ray interacted with a 3D surface of revolution, which may have finite radii of curvature in both the in-plane and out-of-plane directions.
Stokes Vector Calculation
The values of the Stokes parameters s0, s1, s2, and s3 are stored as the auxiliary dependent variables s00, s01, s02, and s03 when a ray is released. These auxiliary variables are updated when the ray hits a boundary. At any point along the ray’s trajectory, each Stokes parameter is equal to
In 2D, the second principal radius of curvature r2 is treated as an arbitrarily large distance that remains constant for each ray. Because s1 and s2 are based on the differences in intensity between orthogonal polarizations of radiation, a local coordinate system must be defined for the ray. Because auxiliary degrees of freedom have already been allocated for e1 as explained in Principal Radii of Curvature, a local coordinate system is defined with axes parallel to e1, e2, and k. The axes parallel to e1 and e2 then function as the x- and y-axes in The Stokes Parameters, respectively.
Stokes Vector Reinitialization
Reflection and Refraction of S- and P-polarized Rays
When a fully polarized ray arrives at a material discontinuity, the intensity of the reflected and refracted rays can be computed using the Fresnel equations:
where the subscripts s and p denote s- and p-polarized rays, or rays with linear polarizations perpendicular to and parallel to the plane of incidence, respectively. The incident ray is assumed to move from a region of refractive index n1 toward a region of refractive index n2. The angles θi and θt are the angle of incidence and angle of refraction, respectively.
If and the angle of incidence exceeds the critical angle , the incident ray undergoes total internal reflection, and the reflected ray has intensity equal to that of the incident ray.
The intensity of the transmitted and reflected waves are related to the intensity of the incident wave Ii by the equations
for p-polarized rays, and
for s-polarized rays.
Phase Shift Calculation for Reflected and Refracted Rays
Any fully polarized ray can be resolved into a pair of s- and p-polarized rays, with a phase shift δ between them. The reflected s- and p-polarized rays at a material discontinuity may then undergo different phase shifts; this may, for example, cause a linearly polarized incident ray to be yield a reflected ray with elliptical polarization. In addition, a phase shift may be applied to the transmitted ray if one or more Thin Dielectric Film subnodes are added to a Material Discontinuity node. The phase shifts of s- and p-polarized rays are computed from the complex-valued Fresnel coefficients:
Unpolarized and Partially Polarized Rays
An unpolarized ray has the following properties:
An unpolarized ray has Stokes parameters .
A partially polarized ray is neither completely deterministic nor completely random. It is characterized by a degree of polarization between 0 and 1.
Born and Wolf (Ref. 2) analyze the polarization of partially polarized and unpolarized quasi-monochromatic rays. A ray is quasi-monochromatic if it has a finite range of frequencies that is much smaller than its mean frequency, . The Stokes vector of a quasi-monochromatic, partially polarized ray is reinitialized by first expressing the ray as a combination of a fully polarized ray and an unpolarized ray:
The unpolarized ray is then expressed as a linear combination of two fully polarized rays with linear, orthogonal polarizations. The Stokes parameters of the fully polarized rays are then reinitialized normally.