Material Discontinuity
The Material Discontinuity node is the default boundary feature on all boundaries. It computes the initial direction of the refracted ray using Snell’s law. If extra degrees of freedom have been allocated for secondary rays, a reflected ray is also produced. If the incident ray undergoes total internal reflection, no refracted ray is produced and no secondary rays are needed to release the reflected ray.
If Intensity computation is set to Compute intensity, Compute intensity and power, Compute intensity in graded media, or Compute intensity and power in graded media in the physics interface Intensity Computation section, the Material Discontinuity feature computes the radii of curvature and the Stokes parameters of the reflected and refracted rays.
The maximum number of reflected rays can be controlled via the Maximum number of secondary rays text field, which is found under the Ray Release and Propagation section for the physics interface.
The Accumulator (Boundary) subnode is available from the context menu (right-click the parent node) or from the Physics toolbar, Attributes menu. The Thin Dielectric Film subnode is also available if the following conditions are met:
One of the following options is selected from the Intensity computation list in the physics interface Intensity computation section: Compute intensity, Compute intensity and power, Compute intensity in graded media, or Compute intensity and power in graded media.
One of the following options is selected from the Thin dielectric films on boundary list in the Coatings section: Add layers to surface or Add layers to surface, repeating.
This section is available if Intensity computation is set to Compute intensity, Compute intensity and power, Compute intensity in graded media, or Compute intensity and power in graded media under the Intensity Computation section for the physics interface. Use the options in this section to add thin dielectric layers to the boundary between the media. These thicknesses of these layers should be small relative to the coherence length of the radiation, and is often comparable in length scale to the free-space wavelength.
Select an option from the Thin dielectric films on boundary list — None (the default), Add layers to surface, Add layers to surface, repeating, Anti-reflective coating, Single-layer coating, specified thickness, Single-layer coating, specified reflectance, or Single-layer coating, specified transmittance.
If None is selected, rays undergo reflection and refraction at the boundary as if there were no dielectric films present.
If Add layers to surface is selected, apply thin dielectric layers to the Material Discontinuity by adding one or more Thin Dielectric Film subnodes. If multiple thin films are added to a single surface, they are arranged in the same order as the corresponding Thin Dielectric Film subnodes in the Model Builder.
If Add layers to surface, repeating is selected, apply thin dielectric layers to the Material Discontinuity by adding one or more Thin Dielectric Film subnodes. Also enter a value or expression for the Number of repeating unit cells N (dimensionless). The default value is 3. It is possible to choose which individual layers are included in the repeating unit cell and which layers only appear once in the settings for the Thin Dielectric Film subnodes. Use this option to specify periodic arrangements of dielectric layers for structures such as dielectric mirrors.
If Anti-reflective coating is selected, enter a value or expression for the Vacuum wavelength for specified film properties λ0 (SI unit: m). The default value is 660 nm. Enter a value or expression for the Angle of incidence for specified film properties θi (SI unit: rad). The default value is 0. Select an option from the Specified film behavior applies to list — S-polarized radiation (the default) or P-polarized radiation. Select an option from the Specified film behavior applies to list — With respect to upside (the default) or With respect to downside.
If Single-layer coating, specified thickness is selected, enter a value or expression for the Film refractive index n (dimensionless). The default value is 1. Then enter a value or expression for the Film thickness t (SI unit: m). The default value is 1 μm.
If Single-layer coating, specified reflectance is selected, select an option from the Specified film behavior applies to list — S-polarized radiation (the default) or P-polarized radiation. Select an option from the Specified film behavior applies to list — With respect to upside (the default) or With respect to downside. In addition, enter values or expressions for the following:
Film refractive index n (dimensionless). The default is 1.
Reflectance R (dimensionless). The default is 0.1.
Vacuum wavelength for specified film properties λ0 (SI unit: m). The default is 660 nm.
Angle of incidence for specified film properties θi (SI unit: m). The default is 0.
If Single-layer coating, specified transmittance is selected, select an option from the Specified film behavior applies to list — S-polarized radiation (the default) or P-polarized radiation. Select an option from the Specified film behavior applies to list — With respect to upside (the default) or With respect to downside. In addition, enter values or expressions for the following:
Film refractive index n (dimensionless). The default is 1.
Transmittance T (dimensionless). The default is 0.9.
Vacuum wavelength for specified film properties λ0 (SI unit: m). The default is 660 nm.
Angle of incidence for specified film properties θi (SI unit: m). The default is 0.
The option Anti-reflective coating automatically computes the refractive index and thickness of a single-layer dielectric coating to yield zero reflectance for the specified free-space wavelength, polarization, and angle of incidence. Similarly, the options Single-layer coating, specified reflectance and Single-layer coating, specified transmittance automatically compute the thickness of a dielectric layer of the specified refractive index to yield the specified reflectance or transmittance.
If the material properties on either side of the material discontinuity differ, rays with the same angle of incidence will be subjected to different reflectances, depending on which domain they approach the boundary from. Use the Specified film behavior applies to list to determine whether the specified reflectance applies to rays incident from the upside or downside of the boundary. It is convenient to select the Show boundary normal check box (see Advanced Settings below) when identifying the upside and downside of the boundary, since the boundary normal points from the upside to the downside.
Threshold Intensity
This section is available if Intensity computation is set to Compute intensity, Compute intensity and power, Compute intensity in graded media, or Compute intensity and power in graded media under the Intensity Computation section for the physics interface.
Enter a Threshold intensity Ith (SI unit: W/m2). The default is 1·10-3 W/m2. If the interaction of a ray with a material discontinuity would create a reflected ray of intensity less than the threshold intensity, the release of this reflected ray is suppressed. This prevents an arbitrarily large number of degrees of freedom from being used to model the propagation of rays of exponentially decreasing intensity. When a nonzero threshold intensity is specified, some small decreases in the total energy of the system may be observed if the release of low-intensity secondary rays is suppressed.
Auxiliary Dependent Variables, Refracted Ray
If an Auxiliary Dependent Variable has been added to the model then there is an option to reinitialize the values of auxiliary dependent variables for the refracted ray. These setting are the same as in the New Value of Auxiliary Dependent Variables section for the Wall feature.
Auxiliary Dependent Variables, Reflected Ray
If an Auxiliary Dependent Variable has been added to the model then there is an option to reinitialize the values of auxiliary dependent variables for the reflected ray. These setting are the same as in the New Value of Auxiliary Dependent Variables section for the Wall feature.
Advanced Settings
Select the Show boundary normal check box to view the boundary normal in the Graphics window.
Visualization of the boundary normal is important when adding multiple Thin Dielectric Film subnodes, since the thin films are oriented from the upside of the boundary to the downside in the same order as displayed in the Model Builder.
If the Compute optical path length check box is selected in the physics interface Additional Variables section, select the Reset optical path length check box to set the optical path length of reflected and refracted rays to 0. Otherwise both the reflected and refracted ray inherit the optical path length of the incident ray.