Initial Values
The Initial Values node adds initial values for the displacement field and velocity field in a flexible component. The data can serve as an initial condition for a transient simulation or as an initial guess for a nonlinear analysis. The initial values either can be directly prescribed in this node or can be inherited from the physics interface level. If needed, you can add more Initial Values nodes.
Domain Selection
The domains, in which a Rigid Domain material model is defined, are automatically not applicable.
Initial Values
Select From physics interface node or Locally defined.
When using From physics interface node, the initial values for displacement field and velocity field are computed using the expressions entered for the rigid-body displacement, rotation, and velocities in the Initial Values section of the Multibody Dynamics node.
For Locally defined, enter values or expressions for the initial values of the Displacement field u (the displacement components u, v, and w in 3D) and the Structural velocity field u/∂t.
Select a Consistent initializationDefault or Force initial values. The default when the given initial values are inconsistent is to make them adapt to each other by adjusting all initial values. To enforce that the exact values given in this node should be maintained through the consistent initialization process, use Force initial values. When Force initial values is selected, click to select the applicable check box or boxes —Translation along first axis, Translation along second axis, and Translation along third axis. Only the selected degrees of freedom have initial values fixed during the consistent initialization process.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Multibody Dynamics>Initial Values