The Radiosity Method for Diffuse-Spectral Surfaces
For a general diffuse-spectral surface:
ε(λ, T) is the hemispherical spectral surface emissivity, a dimensionless quantity in the range 0 ≤ ε ≤ 1. Diffuse-spectral surface corresponds to a surface where ε is dependent on the radiation wavelength and surface temperature.
T is the surface temperature (SI unit: K).
eb, λ(λ, T) is the blackbody hemispherical emissive power (SI unit: W/(m3·sr)) defined in Equation 4-72.
The Surface-To-Surface Radiation Interface assumes that the surface emissivity and opacity properties are constant per spectral band. It defines N spectral bands (N = 2 when solar and ambient radiation model is used),
so that the radiosity has a custom definition in each interval:
The surface properties can then be defined per spectral band:
Surface emissivity on Bi: εi(T) = ε(λ, T) for λ in the interval Bi
Ambient irradiation on Bi, assuming that the ambient fractional emissive power corresponds to the one of a blackbody at temperature Tamb:
External radiation sources on Bi with q0si and Psi the external radiation source heat flux and heat rate, respectively, over Bi:
When the external source fractional emissive power corresponds to the one of a blackbody at Text, external radiation sources on Bi can be defined from the external radiation source heat flux, q0s, and heat rate, Ps, over all wavelengths:
The Surface-To-Surface Radiation Interface includes the following radiation types:
Diffuse Surface is the default radiation type. The incident radiation over the Bi spectral band at one point of the boundary is a function of the radiosity, Ji (SI unit: W/m2), at every other point in view. The radiosity, in turn, is a function of Gmi, which leads to an implicit radiation balance:
Diffuse Mirror is a variant of the Diffuse Surface radiation type with εi = 0. Reradiation surfaces are common as an approximation of a surface that is well insulated on one side and for which convection effects can be neglected on the opposite (radiating) side (see Ref. 18). It resembles a mirror that absorbs all irradiation and then radiates it back in all directions.
Prescribed Radiosity makes it possible to specify the surface radiation for each spectral band. Using the graybody radiation definition, the radiosity is then . A user-defined surface radiosity expression can also be defined.
The Surface-to-Surface Radiation interface handles the radiosity Ji as a shape function unless Ji is prescribed.