Axis (2D and 2D Axisymmetric)
For 2D and 2D axisymmetric components, the View node has an Axis () subnode where you specify axis limits and grid spacing, and control the view scale (aspect ratio) for the plots.
Enter x minimum, x maximum, y minimum, and y maximum values for the axis limits.
The default setting in the View scale list is None, which makes the increments equal in the x- and y-directions. Select Automatic to make the geometry fill the graphics window with unequal increments. This can be useful when working with thin and slender geometries. Select Manual to specify the view scale in the x scale and y scale text fields. Equal values, such as 1, make the geometries appear with the correct aspect ratio. The default values represent the view scale of the previous setting in the View scale list.
Select the Manual spacing check box and enter x spacing and y spacing values to control the grid spacing manually. Enter Extra x and Extra y values directly or click the Range button () as needed.
The default precision for the 2D grid axes labels is four digits. You can change the precision in The Preferences Dialog Box, using the 2D axis field under Display format (maximum number of digits) on the Graphics and Plot Windows page.