The Add Study Window
The Add Study window is similar to the Select Study window accessed through The Model Wizard. It has the same studies available and is a quick way to add a study (or studies) to models. You can have more than one study (each generating one or more solutions) for different scenarios using the same geometry and physics interface. The predefined study types correspond to the most commonly performed simulations for different physics. However, sometimes you might want to do other investigations. For example, you might want to solve a stationary problem for a physical quantity and use that solution as input to a time-dependent simulation for another physical quantity. For example, add a Stationary study step (), followed by a Time Dependent study step () and then for each study step, choose the physics interfaces to include.
To open the Add Study window, right-click the Root node and choose Add Study , or use one of the following alternatives:
From the Home toolbar, click Add Study or select Windows>Add Study.
From the Study toolbar, click Add Study.
On the Study toolbar, click Add Study.
Select Windows>Add Study.
The Add Study toolbar button is a toggle button: Click it again to close the Add Study window.
To Add a Study to a Model Root Node
In the Add Study window, from the branches under Studies, select the type of study to perform.
The available options depend on the set of physics interfaces included in the model. Some study types are applicable to all physics interfaces for which you choose to solve, while others are not, but in some way all are available. Select the study type from one of the following branches:
Preset Studies — Study types suggested by a single physics interface if only one has been chosen.
Preset Studies for Selected Physics Interfaces — Study types applicable to all physics interfaces that you have chosen to solve for.
Preset Studies for Selected Multiphysics — Study types applicable to the multiphysics couplings that you have chosen to solve for.
Custom Studies — This branch contains study types for which not all physics interfaces solved for can generate suitable equations.
Custom Studies>Preset Studies for Some Physics Interfaces — The study types recognized by some, but not all, of the physics interfaces being solved for.
Custom Studies>Other studies — Any fundamental study types (Stationary, Time Dependent, Eigenfrequency, Eigenvalue and Frequency Domain) that are not applicable to any of the physics interfaces being solved for. There is also an empty study type.
Empty Study to add a study without any study steps.
When there is already a physics interface in the model, the existing Physics are listed under Physics interfaces in study. Physics interfaces that are included appear with a check mark () in the Solve column. Click in the row and column to remove the check mark () and remove that physics interface from the study. If there are multiphysics couplings in the models they appear under Multiphysics couplings in study and can be controlled in the same way as the physics interfaces-
Click the Add Study button. The study is added under the Study node in the Model Builder