Definitions Report Nodes
Right-click nodes to select items from the Model Contents submenu and to add the nodes described in this section. These report components provide information about nodes added to the model under Definitions and the Global Definitions node (for parameters, variables, and functions).
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about this section: Node Properties.
Parameters Report Node (Global Definitions)
Use the Parameters report node (), selected from the upper part of the Model Contents submenu, to include the Parameters in the model. All parameters are reported by default; change the settings in the Include column in the Parameters table if you want to exclude some parameters from your report.
Absorbing Layer
Use the Absorbing Layer report node (), selected from the Model Contents submenu, to include the selection and settings for an absorbing layer present in the model. From the Source list, select the Absorbing Layer node to report. Select the Include selection image check box to include an image of the referenced node’s selection. Select the Include settings check box to include nondefault absorbing layer settings.
Coordinate System
Use the Coordinate System report node (), selected from the Model Contents submenu, to add coordinate system settings information to the report. Select a Coordinate system from the list. Select the Include settings check box as needed.
Use the Function report node (), selected from the Model Contents submenu, to add a function image and the function’s settings to the report. Under Referenced Function, select a Function from the list. The Include image check box is selected by default. Select the Include settings check box as needed.
Infinite Element Domain
Use the Infinite Element Domain report node (), selected from the Model Contents submenu, to include the selection and settings for an infinite element domain if it is present in the model. From the Source list, select the Infinite Element Domain node to report. Select the Include selection image check box to include an image of the referenced node’s selection. Select the Include settings check box to include nondefault infinite element settings.
Component Coupling
Use the Component Coupling report node (), selected from the Model Contents submenu, to include the settings and a selection image for a component coupling if it is present in the model. Select the Component coupling from the list. Select the Include selection image check box as needed. The image shows the selection for the component coupling and is not present if the component coupling has no selection. Select the Include settings check box to include nondefault settings in the report.
Mass Properties
Use the Mass Properties report node (), selected from the Model Contents submenu, to include the settings and a selection image for a Mass Properties node. Select the Mass Properties node from the list. Select the Include selection image check box to include an image of the referenced node’s selection. Select the Include settings check box to include nondefault settings in the report. The report will include any Mass Contributions subnodes using the settings for the parent Mass Properties node.
Use the Pair report node (), selected from the Model Contents submenu, to include the settings and a selection image for identity pairs and contact pairs if present in the model. Select the Pair from the list. Select the Include selection image check box to include an image of the node’s selection. Select the Include settings check box to include nondefault settings in the report. The image shows the selection for the pair and is not present if the pair has no selection.
Perfectly Matched Layer
Use the Perfectly Matched Layer report node (), selected from the Model Contents submenu, to include the selection and settings for a perfectly matched layer (PML) if it is present in the model. From the Source list, select the Perfectly Matched Layer node to report. Select the Include selection image check box to include an image of the referenced node’s selection. Select the Include settings check box to include nondefault PML settings.
Use the Probe report node (), selected from the Model Contents submenu, to include the settings and a selection image for a Probe if it is included in the model. Select the Probe from the list. Select the Include selection image check box as needed. The image shows the selection for the probe and is not present if the probe has no selection. Select the Include settings check box to include nondefault probe settings.
Use the Selection report node (), selected from the Model Contents submenu, to include the settings and a selection image for selections. Choose the Selection from the list. Select the Include selection image check box as needed. The image is not present if the selection is empty. Select the Include settings check box to include nondefault settings.
Use the Variables report node (), selected from the Model Contents submenu, to include global or local variable definitions. Select a Variables node from the Source list and, optionally, modify the Include column in the table to exclude individual variables from the report as desired.