Surface (Data Set)
Use a Surface () data set to visualize data on surfaces (boundaries) of a 3D geometry. Refer to this data set to plot and evaluate a value on a surface using a 2D plot group and a Surface or Contour plot, for example.
Go to Common Results Node Settings for links to information about the Data section.
Specify how to parameterize the surface. Choose from one of these options in the x- and y-axes list to specify what the local x- and y-axes represent:
Surface parameters (the default) uses parameters of the 3D surface, computed using the average normal and by choosing the 2D axes using a set of geometrical rules.
xy-plane, yz-plane, zx-plane, yx-plane, zy-plane, and xz-plane are the local x- and y-axes representing the global xy-plane, yz-plane, zx-plane, yx-plane, zy-plane, and xz-plane, respectively.
If Expression is selected, enter any expression, including the global spatial coordinates, for example, in the x-axis and y-axis fields. The default values are x and y, respectively.