The Wall node is the default boundary condition, which is used to model the most common conditions at solid surfaces. This condition contains both a mechanical and a thermal selection. The default is a no-slip and isothermal condition applicable in most cases. More advanced conditions at boundaries can be set-up by combining any of the Mechanical and Thermal conditions available.
The no-slip condition is the origin of the viscous boundary layer and the isothermal condition is the origin of the thermal boundary layer. It is within these acoustic boundary layers that the main dissipation happens. In some applications like for example, in large muffler systems, it may not be necessary to model these loss effects and thus switching to slip and adiabatic can be a good approximation. This also means that the mesh does not need to resolve the acoustic boundary layer which can save DOFs.
Select a Mechanical conditionNo slip (the default) or Slip. See the No Slip and Slip conditions for further details.
Select a Thermal conditionIsothermal (the default) or Adiabatic. See the Isothermal and Adiabatic conditions for further details.
Constraint Settings
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If Slip is selected for the Mechanical condition and Use weak constraints is enabled then the default discontinuous Galerkin (penalty like) formulation is switched to a Lagrange multiplier formulation instead. See the Slip condition for details. For the No-slip and Isothermal selections a weak formulation is used instead of a point-wise constraint.