Locate the COMSOL63\Multiphysics\license\win64 folder and run lmtools.exe. Alternatively, run LMTOOLS from the Windows Start menu, available under COMSOL Multiphysics 6.3 > COMSOL Launchers > LMTOOLS.
Specify the full paths to lmgrd.exe and license.dat by browsing to their locations on your hard drive. The default location for lmgrd.exe is C:\Program Files\COMSOL\COMSOL63\Multiphysics\license\win64\lmgrd.exe, and for the license file, it is C:\Program Files\COMSOL\COMSOL63\Multiphysics\license\license.dat. For the debug log file, you can use any name of your choice, for example, comsol63.log. The default file path to the location of the license manager debug log file is C:\ProgramData\COMSOL\comsol63.log.
Select the Use Services checkbox (might not be possible on all platforms, but is recommended when available) and then the Start Server at Power Up checkbox.
Click Save Service. The license manager now starts at automatically when you reboot the license server computer. If you want to start the license manager right away without restarting the license server computer, click Start Server on the Start/Stop/Reread page of the FlexNet Control Panel.