Elastic Wire
The Elastic Wire node adds the equations for a linear elastic wire element, and an interface for defining the elastic material properties.
By adding the following subnodes to the Elastic Wire node you can incorporate many other effects:
Wire Properties
Enter the Axial Stiffness, kA, and Mass per unit length, ρL.
You can use parameters in Compressive stiffness to tune how the stiffness is reduced under compression.
Enter the Compressive stiffness reduction factor, β. The asymptotic stiffness under significant compressive strains is βkA.
Enter the Transition region strain limit, εc. The stiffness is reduced from the full stiffness at zero strain, to the value βkA at the negative strain εc. An exponential decay function is used.
CROSS-Section data
Enter the Area, A. The cross-section area as such is not essential to the analysis. It is only used during result presentation. Note that wires sometimes have nonhomogeneous cross sections, so the definition of a cross-section area may not be obvious.
Location in User Interface
Context Menus
Physics tab with Wire selected: